Module diffpy.mpdf.magstructure

classes to create magnetic structures for mPDF calculations.

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# diffpy.mpdf         by Frandsen Group
#                     Benjamin A. Frandsen
#                     (c) 2022 Benjamin Allen Frandsen
#                      All rights reserved
# File coded by:    Benjamin Frandsen
# See AUTHORS.txt for a list of people who contributed.
# See LICENSE.txt for license information.

"""classes to create magnetic structures for mPDF calculations."""

import copy
import random
import numpy as np
from diffpy.srreal.bondcalculator import BondCalculator
from diffpy.mpdf.magutils import generateAtomsXYZ, generateFromUnitCell, \
    generateSpinsXYZ, getFFparams, jCalc, spinsFromAtoms, atomsFromSpins, \
    findAtomIndices, visualizeSpins

class MagSpecies:
    """Store information for a single species of magnetic atom.

    This class takes a diffpy.Structure object and uses it to generate spins
    based on a set of propagation vectors and basis vectors. For more info
    about magnetic propagation vectors, visit e.g. or Appendix B of Andrew Steele's
    dissertation at .

        struc (diffpy.Structure object): provides lattice parameters and unit
            cell of desired structure.
        label (string): label for this particular magnetic species. Should be
            different from the labels for any other magnetic species you make.
            Default is a random 8-character hexadecimal string.
        strucIdxs (python list): list of integers giving indices of magnetic
            atoms in the unit cell
        atoms (numpy array): list of atomic coordinates of all the magnetic
            atoms in the structure; e.g. generated by generateAtomsXYZ()
        spins (numpy array): triplets giving the spin vectors of all the
            atoms, in the same order as the atoms array provided as input.
            In units of hbar.
        calcIdxs (python list): list giving the indices of the atoms array
            specifying the atoms to be used as the origin when calculating
            the mPDF. If given the string argument 'all', then every atom
            will be used (potentially causing very long calculation times).
            These indices are relative to the atoms array for this specific
            MagSpecies, not relative to the atoms array for the
            MagStructure as a whole.
        rmaxAtoms (float): maximum distance from the origin of atomic
            positions generated by the makeAtoms method.
        avgmom (numpy array): three-vector giving the average magnetic moment
            for this species of magnetic atom to generate the spins. Relevant
            to incommensurate structures generated from an mcif.
        basisvecs (numpy array): nested three-vector(s) giving the basis
            vectors to generate the spins. e.g. np.array([[0, 0, 1]]). Any
            phase factor should be included directly with the basisvecs.
        kvecs (numpy array): nested three-vector(s) giving the propagation
            vectors for the magnetic structure in r.l.u.,
            e.g. np.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
        S (float): Spin angular momentum quantum number in units of hbar.
        L (float): Orbital angular momentum quantum number in units of hbar.
        J (float): Total angular momentum quantum number in units of hbar.
        gS (float): spin component of the Lande g-factor (g = gS+gL).
            Calculated automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
        gL (float): orbital component of the Lande g-factor. Calculated
            automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
        g (float): Lande g-factor. Calculated automatically as gS+gL if not
        j2type (string): Specifies the way the j2 integral is included in the
            magnetic form factor. Must be either 'RE' for rare earth or 'TM' for
            transition metal. If 'RE', the coefficient on the j2 integral is
            gL/g; if 'TM', the coefficient is (g-2)/g. Default is 'RE'. Note
            that for the default values of S, L, and J, we will have gS=2,
            gL=0, and g=2, and there will be no difference in the form factor
            calculation for 'RE' or 'TM'.
        ffparamkey (string): gives the appropriate key for getFFparams()
        ffqgrid (numpy array): grid of momentum transfer values used for
            calculating the magnetic form factor.
        ff (numpy array): magnetic form factor.
        useDiffpyStruc (boolean): True if atoms/spins to be generated from
            a diffpy structure object; False if a user-provided unit cell is
            to be used. Note that there may be some problems with user-
            provided unit cells with lattice angles strongly deviated from
            90 degrees.
        latVecs (numpy array): Provides the unit cell lattice vectors as
            np.array([avec, bvec, cvec]). Only useful if useDiffpyStruc = False.
        atomBasis (numpy array): Provides positions of the magnetic atoms
            in fractional coordinates within the unit cell. Only useful if
            useDiffpyStruc = False. Example: np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
        spinBasis (numpy array): Provides the orientations of the spins in
            the unit cell, in the same order as atomBasis. Only useful if
            useDiffpyStruc = False. Example: np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1]]
        origin (numpy array): Cartesian coordinates of the position that will
            be considered the origin when generating spin directions from basis
            vectors and propagation vectors. Default is np.array([0,0,0]).
        verbose (boolean): If True, will print messages relating to the structure.
            Useful for troubleshooting. Default is False.
        useOcc (boolean): If True, atomic site occupancies will be used to scale
            the magnetic moment vector. Default is False.
        occ (scalar): Occupancy of the magnetic atom associated with
            this MagSpecies. Default is 1.
    def __init__(self, struc=None, label=None, strucIdxs=None, atoms=None, spins=None,
                 calcIdxs=[0], rmaxAtoms=30.0, avgmom=None, basisvecs=None, kvecs=None, S=0.5,
                 L=0.0, J=None, gS=None, gL=None, g=None, j2type=None, ffparamkey=None,
                 ffqgrid=None, ff=None, useDiffpyStruc=True, latVecs=None,
                 atomBasis=None, spinBasis=None, origin=None, verbose=False,
                 useOcc=False, occ=None):
        if label is None:
            hex_string = '0123456789abcdef'
            token = ''.join([random.choice(hex_string) for i in range(8)])
            self.label = token
            self.label = label
        self.rmaxAtoms = rmaxAtoms
        self.S = S
        self.L = L
        if J is None:
            J = S + L
            self.J = J
            self.J = J
        if gS is None:
            self.gS = 1.0 + 1.0*(S*(S+1)-L*(L+1))/(J*(J+1))
            self.gS = gS
        if gL is None:
            self.gL = 0.5 + 1.0*(L*(L+1)-S*(S+1))/(2*J*(J+1))
            self.gL = gL
        if g is None:
            self.g = self.gS + self.gL
            self.g = g
        if j2type is None:
            self.j2type = 'RE'
            self.j2type = j2type
        self.ffparamkey = ffparamkey
        self.useDiffpyStruc = useDiffpyStruc
        if strucIdxs is None:
            self.strucIdxs = [0]
            self.strucIdxs = strucIdxs
        if calcIdxs is None:
            self.calcIdxs = [0]
            self.calcIdxs = calcIdxs
        if struc is None:
            self.struc = []
            self.struc = struc
        if atoms is None:
            self.atoms = np.array([])
            self.atoms = atoms
        if spins is None:
            self.spins = np.array([])
            self.spins = spins
        if avgmom is None:
            self.avgmom = np.array([0, 0, 0])
            self.avgmom = avgmom
        if basisvecs is None:
            self.basisvecs = np.array([[0, 0, 1]])
            self.basisvecs = basisvecs
        if kvecs is None:
            self.kvecs = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
            self.kvecs = kvecs
        if ff is None:
            self.ff = np.array([])
            self.ff = ff
        if ffqgrid is None:
            self.ffqgrid = np.arange(0, 10.0, 0.01)
            self.ffqgrid = ffqgrid
        if latVecs is None:
            self.latVecs = np.array([[4., 0, 0], [0, 4., 0], [0, 0, 4.]])
            self.ff = latVecs
        if atomBasis is None:
            self.atomBasis = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
            self.atomBasis = atomBasis
        if spinBasis is None:
            self.spinBasis = np.array([[0, 0, 1]])
            self.spinBasis = spinBasis
        if origin is None:
            self.origin = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
            self.origin = origin
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.useOcc = useOcc
        if occ is None:
            self.occ = 1.0
            self.occ = occ

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.label == '':
            return 'MagSpecies() object'
            return self.label+': MagSpecies() object'

    def makeAtoms(self):
        """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms for this species.
        if self.useDiffpyStruc:
            self.atoms = generateAtomsXYZ(self.struc, self.rmaxAtoms, self.strucIdxs)
                self.atoms, self.spins = generateFromUnitCell(self.latVecs,
                print('Please check latVecs, atomBasis, and spinBasis.')

    def makeSpins(self):
        """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the spin vectors in the
               structure. Must provide propagation vector(s) and basis
        if self.useDiffpyStruc:
            self.spins = generateSpinsXYZ(self.struc, self.atoms, self.kvecs, self.basisvecs, 
                                          self.origin, self.avgmom)
            if self.useOcc:
                self.spins *= self.occ
            print('Since you are not using a diffpy Structure object,')
            print('the spins are generated from the makeAtoms() method.')
            print('Please call that method if you have not already.')

    def makeFF(self):
        """Generate the magnetic form factor.
        # g = self.gS+self.gL # move this up to initialization of MagSpecies
        if getFFparams(self.ffparamkey) != ['none']:
            if self.j2type == 'RE':
                self.ff = (jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey))+
                           self.gL/self.g * jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey), j2=True))
            elif self.j2type == 'TM':
                self.ff = (jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey))+
                           (self.g-2)/self.g * jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey), j2=True))
                print("j2type argument must be either 'RE' or 'TM'. Using generic magnetic form factor.")
                self.ff = jCalc(self.ffqgrid)

            print('Using generic magnetic form factor.')
            self.ff = jCalc(self.ffqgrid)

    def spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
        """Return the spin vectors corresponding to specified atomic

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.magutils.spinsFromAtoms() method.

            magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
            positions (list or array): atomic positions for which the
                corresponding spins should be returned.
            fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are in
                fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
            returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the spins will also be
            Array consisting of the spins corresponding to the atomic positions.
        return spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional,returnIdxs)

    def atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
        """Return the atomic positions corresponding to specified spins.

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.magutils.atomsFromSpins() method.

            magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
            spinvecs (list or array): spin vectors for which the
                corresponding atoms should be returned.
            fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are to be
                returned as fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
            returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the atoms will also be

            List of arrays of atoms corresponding to the spins.
        return atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional,returnIdxs)

    def findAtomIndices(self,atomList):
        """Return list of indices corresponding to input list of atomic coordinates.

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.findAtomIndices() method. 

            atomList (numpy array of atomic coordinates)

            List of indices corresponding to the atomList.
        return findAtomIndices(self,atomList)

    def setOcc(self):
        """Set the MagSpecies.occ attribute according to the Diffpy Structure.
        if self.struc != []:
            self.occ = np.mean(self.struc.occupancy[self.strucIdxs])
            self.occ *= 1

    def runChecks(self):
        """Run some simple checks and raise a warning if a problem is found.
        if self.verbose:        
            print(('Running checks for '+self.label+' MagSpecies object...\n'))

        flagCount = 0
        flag = False

        if self.useDiffpyStruc:
            # check that basisvecs and kvecs have same shape
            if self.kvecs.shape != self.basisvecs.shape:
                flag = True
            if flag:
                flagCount += 1
                if self.verbose:
                    print('kvecs and basisvecs must have the same dimensions.')

            # check for improperlatVecs array
            if self.latVecs.shape != (3, 3):
                flag = True
            if flag:
                flagCount += 1
                if self.verbose:
                    print('latVecs array does not have the correct dimensions.')
                    print('It must be a 3 x 3 nested array.')
                    print('Example: np.array([[4, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 4]])')
            flag = False

            # check for mismatched number of atoms and spins in basis
            if self.atomBasis.shape != self.spinBasis.shape:
                flag = True
            if flag:
                flagCount += 1
                if self.verbose:
                    print('atomBasis and spinBasis must have the same dimensions.')

        # summarize results
        if flagCount == 0:
            if self.verbose:
                print('All MagSpecies() checks passed. No obvious problems found.\n')

    def copy(self):
        """Return a deep copy of the MagSpecies object.
        return copy.deepcopy(self)

class MagStructure:
    """Build on the diffpy.Structure class to include magnetic attributes.

    This class takes a diffpy.Structure object and packages additional info
    relating to magnetic structure, which can then be fed to an MPDFcalculator

        struc (diffpy.Structure object): provides lattice parameters and unit
            cell of desired structure.
        atomic_struc (diffpy.Structure object): provides atomic structure inferred
            from the MCIF file. Only relevant if reading in MCIF file. If not initialized, it is
            assumed that either the magnetic and atomic unit cells are equivalent
            or spins were generated from the atomic unit cell using basis vectors.
        transform (string): string describing the transformation from the atomic
            cell basis vectors to the magnetic cell basis vector. Should be 
            present whenever atomic_struc is.
        species (python dictionary): dictionary of magnetic species in the
            structure. The values are MagSpecies objects.
        atoms (numpy array): list of atomic coordinates of all the magnetic
            atoms in the structure; e.g. generated by generateAtomsXYZ()
        spins (numpy array): triplets giving the spin vectors of all the
            atoms, in the same order as the atoms array provided as input.
        gfactors (numpy array): Lande g-factors of the magnetic moments
        rmaxAtoms (float): maximum distance from the origin of atomic
            positions generated by the makeAtoms method.
        ffqgrid (numpy array): grid of momentum transfer values used for
            calculating the magnetic form factor.
        ff (numpy array): magnetic form factor. Should be same shape as
        label (string): Optional descriptive string for the MagStructure.
        K1 (float): a constant used for calculating Dr; should be averaged
            over all magnetic species. Important if physical information is
            to be extracted from mPDF scale factors, e.g. moment size.
        K2 (float): another constant used for calculating Dr.
        fractions (python dictionary): Dictionary providing the fraction of
            spins in the magnetic structure corresponding to each species.
        verbose (boolean): If True, will print messages relating to the structure.
            Useful for troubleshooting. Default is False.
        calcIdxs (python list): list giving the indices of the atoms array
            specifying the atoms to be used as the origin when calculating
            the mPDF. If given the string argument 'all', then every atom
            will be used (potentially causing very long calculation times).
        corrLength (scalar): magnetic correlation length such that the
            magnitude of the correlation between two spins separated by a
            distance d is given by exp(-d/corrLength). If set to zero, the
            correlation length is assumed to be infinite.
        dampingMat (3x3 matrix): damping matrix that encodes anisotropic
            correlation lengths. If nonzero, this supercedes the scalar
            corrLength attribute (which can only be used for isotropic
            correlation lengths).
        rho0 (float): number of magnetic moments per cubic Angstrom in the
            magnetic structure; default value is 0.
        netMag (float): net magnetization in Bohr magnetons per magnetic moment
            in the sample; default is 0. Only nonzero for ferro/ferrimagnets or
            canted antiferromagnets.
        magneticAtomRatio (float): ratio of magnetic atoms to total atoms.


    def __init__(self, struc=None, species=None, atoms=None, spins=None,
                 gfactors=None, rmaxAtoms=30.0, avgmom=None, ffqgrid=None, ff=None,
                 label='', K1=None, K2=None, fractions=None, Uiso=0.01,
                 calcIdxs=None, corrLength=0.0, dampingMat=0.0, verbose=False,
                 netMag=0, rho0=0, magneticAtomRatio=0, atomic_struc=None,

        self.rmaxAtoms = rmaxAtoms
        self.label = label
        self.transform = transform

        if struc is None:
            self.struc = []
            self.struc = struc
        if atomic_struc is None:
            self.atomic_struc = []
            self.atomic_struc = atomic_struc
        if atoms is None:
            self.atoms = np.array([])
            self.atoms = atoms
        if spins is None:
            self.spins = np.array([])
            self.spins = spins
        if gfactors is None:
            self.gfactors = np.array([2.0])
            self.gfactors = gfactors
        if species is None:
            self.species = {}
            self.species = species
        if ffqgrid is None:
            self.ffqgrid = np.arange(0, 10.0, 0.01)
            self.ffqgrid = ffqgrid
        if ff is None:
            self.ff = jCalc(self.ffqgrid)
            self.ff = ff
        if K1 is None:
            self.K1 = 0.66667*(1.913*2.81794/2.0)**2*2.0**2*0.5*(0.5+1)
            self.K1 = K1
        if K2 is None:
            self.K2 = self.K1
            self.K2 = K2
        if fractions is None:
            self.fractions = {}
            self.fractions = fractions
        if calcIdxs is None:
            self.calcIdxs = [0]
            self.calcIdxs = calcIdxs
        self.Uiso = Uiso
        self.corrLength = corrLength
        self.dampingMat = dampingMat
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.rho0 = rho0
        self.netMag = netMag
        self.magneticAtomRatio = magneticAtomRatio

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.label == '':
            return 'MagStructure() object'
            return self.label+': MagStructure() object'

    def makeSpecies(self, label, strucIdxs=None, atoms=None, spins=None,
                    basisvecs=None, kvecs=None, S=0.5, L=0.0, J=None, gS=None,
                    gL=None, g=None, j2type=None, ffparamkey=None,ffqgrid=None,
                    ff=None, occ=None):
        """Create a MagSpecies object and add it to the species dictionary.

            label (string): label for this particular magnetic species. Should be
                different from the labels for any other magnetic species you make.
            strucIdxs (python list): list of integers giving indices of magnetic
                atoms in the unit cell
            atoms (numpy array): list of atomic coordinates of all the magnetic
                atoms in the structure; e.g. generated by generateAtomsXYZ()
            spins (numpy array): triplets giving the spin vectors of all the
                atoms, in the same order as the atoms array provided as input.
            basisvecs (numpy array): nested three-vector(s) giving the basis
                vectors to generate the spins. e.g. np.array([[0, 0, 1]]). Any
                phase factor should be included directly with the basisvecs.
            kvecs (numpy array): nested three-vector(s) giving the propagation
                vectors for the magnetic structure in r.l.u.,
                e.g. np.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
            gS (float): spin component of the Lande g-factor (g = gS+gL).
                Calculated automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
            gL (float): orbital component of the Lande g-factor. Calculated
                automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
            g (float): Lande g-factor. Calculated automatically as gS+gL if not
            j2type (string): Specifies the way the j2 integral is included in the
                magnetic form factor. Must be either 'RE' for rare earth or 'TM' for
                transition metal. If 'RE', the coefficient on the j2 integral is
                gL/g; if 'TM', the coefficient is (g-2)/g. Default is 'RE'. Note
                that for the default values of S, L, and J, we will have gS=2,
                gL=0, and g=2, and there will be no difference in the form factor
                calculation for 'RE' or 'TM'.
            ffparamkey (string): gives the appropriate key for getFFparams()
            ffqgrid (numpy array): grid of momentum transfer values used for
                calculating the magnetic form factor.
            ff (numpy array): magnetic form factor.

        # check that the label is not a duplicate with any other mag species.
        duplicate = False
        for name in list(self.species.keys()):
            if name == label:
                duplicate = True
        if not duplicate:
            if ffqgrid is None:
                ffqgrid = np.arange(0, 10.0, 0.01)
            self.species[label] = MagSpecies(self.struc, label, strucIdxs, atoms, spins,
                                             self.rmaxAtoms, basisvecs, kvecs, S, L,
                                             J, gS, gL, g, j2type, ffparamkey, ffqgrid, ff,
                                             self.verbose, occ)
            # update the list of fractions
            totatoms = 0.0
            for key in self.species:
                totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            for key in self.species:
                if totatoms == 0.0:
                    totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
                frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
                self.fractions[key] = frac
            print('This label has already been assigned to another species in')
            print('the structure. Please choose a new label.')

    def getCoordsFromSpecies(self):
        """Read in atomic positions and spins from magnetic species.

        This differs from makeSpins() and makeAtoms() because it simply loads
        the atoms and spins from the species without re-generating them from 
        the structure.
        tempA = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
        tempS = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
        for key in self.species:
            na = self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            ns = self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            if (na > 0) and (na == ns):            
                tempA = np.concatenate((tempA, self.species[key].atoms))
                tempS = np.concatenate((tempS, self.species[key].spins))
                if self.verbose:
                    print(('Coordinates of atoms and spins for ' + key))
                    print('have not been loaded because they have not yet been')
                    print('generated and/or do not match in shape.')
        if tempA.shape != (1, 3):        
            self.atoms = tempA[1:]
            self.spins = tempS[1:]
        elif len(self.species) == 0:
            self.atoms = np.array([])
            self.spins = np.array([])

    def loadSpecies(self, magSpec):
        """Load in an already-existing MagSpecies object

            magSpec (MagSpecies object): The magnetic species to be imported
                into the structure.
        # check that the label is not a duplicate with any other mag species.
        duplicate = False
        for name in list(self.species.keys()):
            if name == magSpec.label:
                duplicate = True
        if not duplicate:
            self.species[magSpec.label] = magSpec
            self.struc = magSpec.struc
            # update the list of fractions
            totatoms = 0.0
            for key in self.species:
                totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            for key in list(self.species.keys()):
                if totatoms == 0.0:
                    totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
                frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
                self.fractions[key] = frac
            print('The label for this species has already been assigned to')
            print('another species in the structure. Please choose a new label')
            print('for this species.')

    def removeSpecies(self, label, update=True):
        """Remove a magnetic species from the species dictionary.

            label (string): key for the dictionary entry to be removed.
            update (boolean): if True, the MagStructure will update its atoms
                and spins with the removed species now excluded.
            del self.species[label]
            if update:
                # update the list of fractions
                totatoms = 0.0
                for key in self.species:
                    totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
                for key in self.species:                
                    if totatoms == 0.0:
                        totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
                    frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
                    self.fractions[key] = frac
            print('Species cannot be deleted. Check that you are using the')
            print('correct species label.')

    def makeAtoms(self):
        """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms for this species.

            fromUnitCell (boolean): True if atoms/spins to be generated from
                a unit cell provided by the user; False if the diffpy structure
                object is to be used.
            unitcell (numpy array): Provides the unit cell lattice vectors as
                np.array((avec, bvec, cvec)).
            atombasis (numpy array): Provides positions of the magnetic atoms
                in fractional coordinates within the unit cell.
            spin cell (numpy array): Provides the orientations of the spins in
                the unit cell, in the same order as atombasis
        temp = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
        for key in self.species:
            temp = np.concatenate((temp, self.species[key].atoms))
        self.atoms = temp[1:]

    def makeSpins(self):
        """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the spin vectors in the
               structure. Calls the makeSpins() method for each MagSpecies in
               the species dictionary and concatenates them together.
        temp = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
        for key in self.species:
            temp = np.concatenate((temp, self.species[key].spins))
        self.spins = temp[1:]

    def makeGfactors(self):
        """Generate an array of Lande g-factors in the same order as the spins
                in the MagStructure.
        temp = np.array([2.0])
        for key in self.species:
            temp = np.concatenate((temp,
        self.gfactors = temp[1:]

    def makeFractions(self):
        """Generate the fractions dictionary.
            totatoms = 0.0
            for key in self.species:
                totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            for key in self.species:                
                if totatoms == 0.0:
                    totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
                frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
                self.fractions[key] = frac
            if len(self.species) == 0:
                self.fractions = {}
                print('Check MagStructure.fractions dictionary for problems.')

    def makeKfactors(self):
        """Set the factors K1 and K2 used for unnormalized mPDF. The fractions
           dictionary must be accurate before running this method.
        K1, K2 = 0, 0        
        for key in self.species:
            ga = self.species[key].g
            Ja = self.species[key].J
            K1 += self.fractions[key]*ga*np.sqrt(Ja*(Ja+1))
            K2 += self.fractions[key]*ga**2*Ja*(Ja+1)
        K1 = K1**2
        K1 *= (1.913*2.81794/2.0)**2*2.0/3.0
        K2 *= (1.913*2.81794/2.0)**2*2.0/3.0
        self.K1 = K1
        self.K2 = K2

    def makeFF(self):
        """Generate the properly weighted average magnetic form factor of all
                the magnetic species in the structure.
            self.ffqgrid = list(self.species.values())[0].ffqgrid
            self.ff = np.zeros_like(self.ffqgrid)
            totatoms = 0.0
            for key in self.species:
                totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            for key in self.species:
                frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
                self.ff += frac*self.species[key].ff
            if len(self.species) == 0:
                self.ff = jCalc(self.ffqgrid)
                print('Check that all mag species have same q-grid.')

    def makeAll(self):
        """Shortcut method to generate atoms, spins, g-factors, and form
                factor for the magnetic structure all in one go.

    def spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
        """Return the spin vectors corresponding to specified atomic

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.spinsFromAtoms() method. 

            magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
            positions (list or array): atomic positions for which the
                corresponding spins should be returned.
            fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are in
                fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
            returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the spins will also be
            Array consisting of the spins corresponding to the atomic positions.
        return spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional,returnIdxs)

    def atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
        """Return the atomic positions corresponding to specified spins.

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.atomsFromSpins() method. 

            magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
            spinvecs (list or array): spin vectors for which the
                corresponding atoms should be returned.
            fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are to be
                returned as fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
            returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the atoms will also be

            List of arrays of atoms corresponding to the spins.
        return atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional,returnIdxs)

    def visualize(self,atoms,spins,showcrystalaxes=False,
        """Generate a crude 3-d plot to visualize the selected spins.

            atoms (numpy array): array of atomic positions of spins to be
            spins (numpy array): array of spin vectors in same order as atoms.
            showcrystalaxes (boolean): if True, will display the crystal axes
                determined from the first magnetic species in the MagStructure
            axesorigin (array): position at which the crystal axes should be
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt        
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d

        fig = visualizeSpins(atoms,spins)
        if showcrystalaxes:
            ax3d = fig.axes[0]
                if mspec.useDiffpyStruc:
                    a, b, c = lat.stdbase
                    a, b, c = mspec.latVecs
                xo, yo, zo = axesorigin
                ax3d.quiver(xo, yo, zo, a[0], a[1], a[2], pivot='tail', color='r')
                ax3d.quiver(xo, yo, zo, b[0], b[1], b[2], pivot='tail', color='g')
                ax3d.quiver(xo, yo, zo, c[0], c[1], c[2], pivot='tail', color='b')
                print('Please make sure your magnetic structure contains a')
                print('magnetic species with MagSpecies.struc set to a diffpy')
                print('structure or MagSpecies.latVecs provided and')
                print('MagSpecies.useDiffpyStruc set to False.')

    def findAtomIndices(self,atomList):
        """Return list of indices corresponding to input list of atomic coordinates.

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.findAtomIndices() method. 

            atomList (numpy array of atomic coordinates)

            List of indices corresponding to the atomList.
        return findAtomIndices(self,atomList)

    def runChecks(self, doCalcIdxsCheck=False):
        """Run some simple checks and raise a warning if a problem is found.
        # do the MagSpecies checks
        for key in self.species:

        if self.verbose:        
            print(('Running checks for '+self.label+' MagStructure object...\n'))

        flag = False
        flagCount = 0

        # check for duplication among magnetic species
        if len(self.species) > 0:        
            if list(self.species.values())[0].useDiffpyStruc:
                idxs = []
                for key in self.species:
                idxs = [item for sublist in idxs for item in sublist] # flatten the list
                for idx in idxs:
                    if idxs.count(idx) > 1:
                        flag = True
                if flag:
                    flagCount += 1
                    if self.verbose:
                        print('Warning: Magnetic species may have overlapping atoms.')
                        print('Check the strucIdxs lists for your magnetic species.')
                    flag = False

        # check that the fractions are consistent
        totatoms = 0.0
        for key in self.species:
            totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
        for key in self.species:
            if totatoms == 0.0:
                totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
            frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
            if (frac > 0) and (np.abs(frac - self.fractions[key])/frac > 0.1):
                flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            if self.verbose:
                print('Species fractions do not correspond to actual number of')
                print('spins of each species in the structure.')
        flag = False

        ### check if calcIdxs may not be representative of all MagSpecies.
        if doCalcIdxsCheck: # option to turn off this check e.g. when loading a MagSpecies
            if len(self.calcIdxs) < len(self.species):
                flag = True
            if flag:
                flagCount += 1
                print('Warning: your calcIdxs may not be representative of all')
                print('the magnetic species. calcIdxs should have the index of')
                print('at least one spin from each species. Use')
                print('magStruc.getSpeciesIdxs() to see starting indices for')
                print('each species.\n')
            flag = False

        ### check if calcIdxs has indices that exceed the spin array
        if self.atoms.shape[0]>0:
            if (np.array(self.calcIdxs).max()+1) > self.atoms.shape[0]:
                flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            print('calcIdxs contains indices that are too large for the')
            print('arrays of atoms and spins contained in the MagStructure.')
        flag = False

        # summarize results
        if flagCount == 0:
            if self.verbose:
                print('All MagStructure checks passed. No obvious problems found.')

    def getSpeciesIdxs(self):
        """Return a dictionary with the starting index in the atoms and spins
           arrays corresponding to each magnetic species.
        idxDict = {}
        startIdx = 0
        for key in self.species:
            idxDict[key] = startIdx
            startIdx += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
        return idxDict

    def makeCalcIdxs(self):
        """Generate the indices of the atoms to be used for the calculation.
        idxDict = self.getSpeciesIdxs()
        calcIdxs = []
        for key in self.species:
            calcIdxs.append(np.array(self.species[key].calcIdxs) +
        calcIdxs = [ci for sublist in calcIdxs for ci in sublist]
        self.calcIdxs = calcIdxs

    def generateScaledSpins(self, originIdx=0):
        """Apply a correlation length to the spin magnitudes.

            originIdx (int): The index of the spin in magstructure.spins
                that should be considered the origin.

            scaledSpins (np.array): An array with the same shape as the
                self.spins array, where the magnitudes of the spins have
                been scaled in accordance with the correlation length.
        scaledSpins = 1.0*self.spins
        if type(self.dampingMat) != np.ndarray: # isotropic correlation length
            xi = self.corrLength
            if xi != 0.0:
                distanceVecs = self.atoms - self.atoms[originIdx]
                distances = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, distanceVecs)
                rescale = np.exp(-distances/xi)[:,np.newaxis] 
                scaledSpins *= rescale 
            dampingMat = self.dampingMat
            # ensure that dampingMat is 3x3 symmetric matrix
            if dampingMat.shape == (3, 3):
                if np.allclose(dampingMat, dampingMat.T, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8):
                    distanceVecs = self.atoms - self.atoms[originIdx]
                    distances = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, distanceVecs)
                    distanceVecsN = distanceVecs/np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm,1,distanceVecs)[:,np.newaxis]
                    mult1 = np.tensordot(dampingMat, distanceVecsN, axes=(0,1)).T
                    xi = 1.0/np.sqrt(np.apply_along_axis(np.sum, 1, distanceVecsN*mult1))
                    xi[originIdx] = 1.0 # avoid divide-by-zero problem
                    rescale = np.exp(-distances/xi)[:,np.newaxis] 
                    scaledSpins *= rescale                     
                    print('Damping matrix is not symmetric. Spins will not be modified.')
                print('Damping matrix is not a 3x3 matrix. Spins will not be modified.')

        return scaledSpins

    def calcAtomicDensity(self, volume=0, numSpins=0):
        """Determine the number density of magnetic moments.
        Sets the calculated number density equal to self.rho0.

            volume (scalar): Volume of the MagStructure. If equal to the
                default value of 0, then the volume will be calculated
                assuming a sphere of radius rmaxAtoms.
            numSpins (integer): number of magnetic moments in the volume
                being considered. If equal to the default value of 0, then
                the numSpins will be set to the length of the spins array.
        if self.struc != []:
            volume = np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(self.struc.lattice.metrics))
            for key in self.species:
                #strucIdxs = self.species[key].strucIdxs
                #numSpins += self.species[key].struc.occupancy[strucIdxs].sum()
                numSpins += len(self.species[key].strucIdxs)
            self.rho0 = numSpins / volume
            print('Please create a diffpy Structure object to use this feature')
            # if volume==0:
            #     radius = self.rmaxAtoms + \
            #              np.linalg.norm(self.struc.lattice.stdbase.sum(axis=1))
            #     volume = 1.33333*np.pi*radius**3
            # if numSpins==0:
            #     numSpins = len(self.spins)
            # self.rho0 = numSpins / volume

    def calcMagneticAtomRatio(self):
        """Determine the ratio of magnetic atoms to total atoms.
        Sets the calculated number equal to self.magneticAtomRatio.

        occ = self.struc.occupancy
        totalOcc = occ.sum()
        numMagAtoms = 0
        if self.struc != []:
            for key in self.species:
                strucIdxs = self.species[key].strucIdxs
                numMagAtoms += occ[strucIdxs].sum()
            self.magneticAtomRatio = numMagAtoms / totalOcc
            print('Please create a diffpy Structure object to use this feature')

    def calcNetMag(self,method='directCalculation'):
        """Determine the net magnetization per spin.
        Sets the calculated value equal to self.netMag.
        This method is only necessary for magnetic structures with a
        net magnetic moment, such as a ferromagnet, ferrimagnet, or
        canted antiferromagnet.
            method: How the net magnetization should be calculated.
                'directCalculation': the mean of the entire structure is
                calculated. May have slight inaccuracies due to edge effects.
                'speciesCalculation': use the individual MagSpecies to find
                the average magnetization per spin.

        if method == 'directCalculation':
            totalMag = np.sum(self.spins, axis=0) * np.mean(self.gfactors)
            self.netMag = np.linalg.norm(totalMag) / self.spins.shape[0]
        if method == 'speciesCalculation':
            mags = []
            weights = []
            netMag = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0])
            if self.struc != []:
                for key in self.species:
                    g = self.species[key].gS + self.species[key].gL
                    mag = g * np.linalg.norm(self.species[key].spins[0]) # assumes constant magnitude of spins
                    weight = np.sum(self.struc.occupancy[self.species[key].strucIdxs])
                    netMag += g * weight * self.species[key].spins[0] # assumes uniform spins within the species                    
                mags = np.array(mags)
                weights = np.array(weights)
                #self.netMag = np.sum(mags * weights)/np.sum(weights)
                self.netMag = np.linalg.norm(netMag/np.sum(weights))
                print('Please create a diffpy Structure object to use this feature')

    def copy(self):
        """Return a deep copy of the MagStructure object."""
        return copy.deepcopy(self)


class MagSpecies (struc=None, label=None, strucIdxs=None, atoms=None, spins=None, calcIdxs=[0], rmaxAtoms=30.0, avgmom=None, basisvecs=None, kvecs=None, S=0.5, L=0.0, J=None, gS=None, gL=None, g=None, j2type=None, ffparamkey=None, ffqgrid=None, ff=None, useDiffpyStruc=True, latVecs=None, atomBasis=None, spinBasis=None, origin=None, verbose=False, useOcc=False, occ=None)

Store information for a single species of magnetic atom.

This class takes a diffpy.Structure object and uses it to generate spins based on a set of propagation vectors and basis vectors. For more info about magnetic propagation vectors, visit e.g. or Appendix B of Andrew Steele's dissertation at .


struc : diffpy.Structure object
provides lattice parameters and unit cell of desired structure.
label : string
label for this particular magnetic species. Should be different from the labels for any other magnetic species you make. Default is a random 8-character hexadecimal string.
strucIdxs : python list
list of integers giving indices of magnetic atoms in the unit cell
atoms : numpy array
list of atomic coordinates of all the magnetic atoms in the structure; e.g. generated by generateAtomsXYZ()
spins : numpy array
triplets giving the spin vectors of all the atoms, in the same order as the atoms array provided as input. In units of hbar.
calcIdxs : python list
list giving the indices of the atoms array specifying the atoms to be used as the origin when calculating the mPDF. If given the string argument 'all', then every atom will be used (potentially causing very long calculation times). These indices are relative to the atoms array for this specific MagSpecies, not relative to the atoms array for the MagStructure as a whole.
rmaxAtoms : float
maximum distance from the origin of atomic positions generated by the makeAtoms method.
avgmom : numpy array
three-vector giving the average magnetic moment for this species of magnetic atom to generate the spins. Relevant to incommensurate structures generated from an mcif.
basisvecs : numpy array
nested three-vector(s) giving the basis vectors to generate the spins. e.g. np.array([[0, 0, 1]]). Any phase factor should be included directly with the basisvecs.
kvecs : numpy array
nested three-vector(s) giving the propagation vectors for the magnetic structure in r.l.u., e.g. np.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
S : float
Spin angular momentum quantum number in units of hbar.
L : float
Orbital angular momentum quantum number in units of hbar.
J : float
Total angular momentum quantum number in units of hbar.
gS : float
spin component of the Lande g-factor (g = gS+gL). Calculated automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
gL : float
orbital component of the Lande g-factor. Calculated automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
g : float
Lande g-factor. Calculated automatically as gS+gL if not specified.
j2type : string
Specifies the way the j2 integral is included in the magnetic form factor. Must be either 'RE' for rare earth or 'TM' for transition metal. If 'RE', the coefficient on the j2 integral is gL/g; if 'TM', the coefficient is (g-2)/g. Default is 'RE'. Note that for the default values of S, L, and J, we will have gS=2, gL=0, and g=2, and there will be no difference in the form factor calculation for 'RE' or 'TM'.
ffparamkey : string
gives the appropriate key for getFFparams()
ffqgrid : numpy array
grid of momentum transfer values used for calculating the magnetic form factor.
ff : numpy array
magnetic form factor.
useDiffpyStruc : boolean
True if atoms/spins to be generated from a diffpy structure object; False if a user-provided unit cell is to be used. Note that there may be some problems with user- provided unit cells with lattice angles strongly deviated from 90 degrees.
latVecs : numpy array
Provides the unit cell lattice vectors as np.array([avec, bvec, cvec]). Only useful if useDiffpyStruc = False.
atomBasis : numpy array
Provides positions of the magnetic atoms in fractional coordinates within the unit cell. Only useful if useDiffpyStruc = False. Example: np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
spinBasis : numpy array
Provides the orientations of the spins in the unit cell, in the same order as atomBasis. Only useful if useDiffpyStruc = False. Example: np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1]]
origin : numpy array
Cartesian coordinates of the position that will be considered the origin when generating spin directions from basis vectors and propagation vectors. Default is np.array([0,0,0]).
verbose : boolean
If True, will print messages relating to the structure. Useful for troubleshooting. Default is False.
useOcc : boolean
If True, atomic site occupancies will be used to scale the magnetic moment vector. Default is False.
occ : scalar
Occupancy of the magnetic atom associated with this MagSpecies. Default is 1.
Expand source code
class MagSpecies:
    """Store information for a single species of magnetic atom.

    This class takes a diffpy.Structure object and uses it to generate spins
    based on a set of propagation vectors and basis vectors. For more info
    about magnetic propagation vectors, visit e.g. or Appendix B of Andrew Steele's
    dissertation at .

        struc (diffpy.Structure object): provides lattice parameters and unit
            cell of desired structure.
        label (string): label for this particular magnetic species. Should be
            different from the labels for any other magnetic species you make.
            Default is a random 8-character hexadecimal string.
        strucIdxs (python list): list of integers giving indices of magnetic
            atoms in the unit cell
        atoms (numpy array): list of atomic coordinates of all the magnetic
            atoms in the structure; e.g. generated by generateAtomsXYZ()
        spins (numpy array): triplets giving the spin vectors of all the
            atoms, in the same order as the atoms array provided as input.
            In units of hbar.
        calcIdxs (python list): list giving the indices of the atoms array
            specifying the atoms to be used as the origin when calculating
            the mPDF. If given the string argument 'all', then every atom
            will be used (potentially causing very long calculation times).
            These indices are relative to the atoms array for this specific
            MagSpecies, not relative to the atoms array for the
            MagStructure as a whole.
        rmaxAtoms (float): maximum distance from the origin of atomic
            positions generated by the makeAtoms method.
        avgmom (numpy array): three-vector giving the average magnetic moment
            for this species of magnetic atom to generate the spins. Relevant
            to incommensurate structures generated from an mcif.
        basisvecs (numpy array): nested three-vector(s) giving the basis
            vectors to generate the spins. e.g. np.array([[0, 0, 1]]). Any
            phase factor should be included directly with the basisvecs.
        kvecs (numpy array): nested three-vector(s) giving the propagation
            vectors for the magnetic structure in r.l.u.,
            e.g. np.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
        S (float): Spin angular momentum quantum number in units of hbar.
        L (float): Orbital angular momentum quantum number in units of hbar.
        J (float): Total angular momentum quantum number in units of hbar.
        gS (float): spin component of the Lande g-factor (g = gS+gL).
            Calculated automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
        gL (float): orbital component of the Lande g-factor. Calculated
            automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
        g (float): Lande g-factor. Calculated automatically as gS+gL if not
        j2type (string): Specifies the way the j2 integral is included in the
            magnetic form factor. Must be either 'RE' for rare earth or 'TM' for
            transition metal. If 'RE', the coefficient on the j2 integral is
            gL/g; if 'TM', the coefficient is (g-2)/g. Default is 'RE'. Note
            that for the default values of S, L, and J, we will have gS=2,
            gL=0, and g=2, and there will be no difference in the form factor
            calculation for 'RE' or 'TM'.
        ffparamkey (string): gives the appropriate key for getFFparams()
        ffqgrid (numpy array): grid of momentum transfer values used for
            calculating the magnetic form factor.
        ff (numpy array): magnetic form factor.
        useDiffpyStruc (boolean): True if atoms/spins to be generated from
            a diffpy structure object; False if a user-provided unit cell is
            to be used. Note that there may be some problems with user-
            provided unit cells with lattice angles strongly deviated from
            90 degrees.
        latVecs (numpy array): Provides the unit cell lattice vectors as
            np.array([avec, bvec, cvec]). Only useful if useDiffpyStruc = False.
        atomBasis (numpy array): Provides positions of the magnetic atoms
            in fractional coordinates within the unit cell. Only useful if
            useDiffpyStruc = False. Example: np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
        spinBasis (numpy array): Provides the orientations of the spins in
            the unit cell, in the same order as atomBasis. Only useful if
            useDiffpyStruc = False. Example: np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1]]
        origin (numpy array): Cartesian coordinates of the position that will
            be considered the origin when generating spin directions from basis
            vectors and propagation vectors. Default is np.array([0,0,0]).
        verbose (boolean): If True, will print messages relating to the structure.
            Useful for troubleshooting. Default is False.
        useOcc (boolean): If True, atomic site occupancies will be used to scale
            the magnetic moment vector. Default is False.
        occ (scalar): Occupancy of the magnetic atom associated with
            this MagSpecies. Default is 1.
    def __init__(self, struc=None, label=None, strucIdxs=None, atoms=None, spins=None,
                 calcIdxs=[0], rmaxAtoms=30.0, avgmom=None, basisvecs=None, kvecs=None, S=0.5,
                 L=0.0, J=None, gS=None, gL=None, g=None, j2type=None, ffparamkey=None,
                 ffqgrid=None, ff=None, useDiffpyStruc=True, latVecs=None,
                 atomBasis=None, spinBasis=None, origin=None, verbose=False,
                 useOcc=False, occ=None):
        if label is None:
            hex_string = '0123456789abcdef'
            token = ''.join([random.choice(hex_string) for i in range(8)])
            self.label = token
            self.label = label
        self.rmaxAtoms = rmaxAtoms
        self.S = S
        self.L = L
        if J is None:
            J = S + L
            self.J = J
            self.J = J
        if gS is None:
            self.gS = 1.0 + 1.0*(S*(S+1)-L*(L+1))/(J*(J+1))
            self.gS = gS
        if gL is None:
            self.gL = 0.5 + 1.0*(L*(L+1)-S*(S+1))/(2*J*(J+1))
            self.gL = gL
        if g is None:
            self.g = self.gS + self.gL
            self.g = g
        if j2type is None:
            self.j2type = 'RE'
            self.j2type = j2type
        self.ffparamkey = ffparamkey
        self.useDiffpyStruc = useDiffpyStruc
        if strucIdxs is None:
            self.strucIdxs = [0]
            self.strucIdxs = strucIdxs
        if calcIdxs is None:
            self.calcIdxs = [0]
            self.calcIdxs = calcIdxs
        if struc is None:
            self.struc = []
            self.struc = struc
        if atoms is None:
            self.atoms = np.array([])
            self.atoms = atoms
        if spins is None:
            self.spins = np.array([])
            self.spins = spins
        if avgmom is None:
            self.avgmom = np.array([0, 0, 0])
            self.avgmom = avgmom
        if basisvecs is None:
            self.basisvecs = np.array([[0, 0, 1]])
            self.basisvecs = basisvecs
        if kvecs is None:
            self.kvecs = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
            self.kvecs = kvecs
        if ff is None:
            self.ff = np.array([])
            self.ff = ff
        if ffqgrid is None:
            self.ffqgrid = np.arange(0, 10.0, 0.01)
            self.ffqgrid = ffqgrid
        if latVecs is None:
            self.latVecs = np.array([[4., 0, 0], [0, 4., 0], [0, 0, 4.]])
            self.ff = latVecs
        if atomBasis is None:
            self.atomBasis = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
            self.atomBasis = atomBasis
        if spinBasis is None:
            self.spinBasis = np.array([[0, 0, 1]])
            self.spinBasis = spinBasis
        if origin is None:
            self.origin = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
            self.origin = origin
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.useOcc = useOcc
        if occ is None:
            self.occ = 1.0
            self.occ = occ

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.label == '':
            return 'MagSpecies() object'
            return self.label+': MagSpecies() object'

    def makeAtoms(self):
        """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms for this species.
        if self.useDiffpyStruc:
            self.atoms = generateAtomsXYZ(self.struc, self.rmaxAtoms, self.strucIdxs)
                self.atoms, self.spins = generateFromUnitCell(self.latVecs,
                print('Please check latVecs, atomBasis, and spinBasis.')

    def makeSpins(self):
        """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the spin vectors in the
               structure. Must provide propagation vector(s) and basis
        if self.useDiffpyStruc:
            self.spins = generateSpinsXYZ(self.struc, self.atoms, self.kvecs, self.basisvecs, 
                                          self.origin, self.avgmom)
            if self.useOcc:
                self.spins *= self.occ
            print('Since you are not using a diffpy Structure object,')
            print('the spins are generated from the makeAtoms() method.')
            print('Please call that method if you have not already.')

    def makeFF(self):
        """Generate the magnetic form factor.
        # g = self.gS+self.gL # move this up to initialization of MagSpecies
        if getFFparams(self.ffparamkey) != ['none']:
            if self.j2type == 'RE':
                self.ff = (jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey))+
                           self.gL/self.g * jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey), j2=True))
            elif self.j2type == 'TM':
                self.ff = (jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey))+
                           (self.g-2)/self.g * jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey), j2=True))
                print("j2type argument must be either 'RE' or 'TM'. Using generic magnetic form factor.")
                self.ff = jCalc(self.ffqgrid)

            print('Using generic magnetic form factor.')
            self.ff = jCalc(self.ffqgrid)

    def spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
        """Return the spin vectors corresponding to specified atomic

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.magutils.spinsFromAtoms() method.

            magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
            positions (list or array): atomic positions for which the
                corresponding spins should be returned.
            fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are in
                fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
            returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the spins will also be
            Array consisting of the spins corresponding to the atomic positions.
        return spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional,returnIdxs)

    def atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
        """Return the atomic positions corresponding to specified spins.

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.magutils.atomsFromSpins() method.

            magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
            spinvecs (list or array): spin vectors for which the
                corresponding atoms should be returned.
            fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are to be
                returned as fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
            returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the atoms will also be

            List of arrays of atoms corresponding to the spins.
        return atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional,returnIdxs)

    def findAtomIndices(self,atomList):
        """Return list of indices corresponding to input list of atomic coordinates.

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.findAtomIndices() method. 

            atomList (numpy array of atomic coordinates)

            List of indices corresponding to the atomList.
        return findAtomIndices(self,atomList)

    def setOcc(self):
        """Set the MagSpecies.occ attribute according to the Diffpy Structure.
        if self.struc != []:
            self.occ = np.mean(self.struc.occupancy[self.strucIdxs])
            self.occ *= 1

    def runChecks(self):
        """Run some simple checks and raise a warning if a problem is found.
        if self.verbose:        
            print(('Running checks for '+self.label+' MagSpecies object...\n'))

        flagCount = 0
        flag = False

        if self.useDiffpyStruc:
            # check that basisvecs and kvecs have same shape
            if self.kvecs.shape != self.basisvecs.shape:
                flag = True
            if flag:
                flagCount += 1
                if self.verbose:
                    print('kvecs and basisvecs must have the same dimensions.')

            # check for improperlatVecs array
            if self.latVecs.shape != (3, 3):
                flag = True
            if flag:
                flagCount += 1
                if self.verbose:
                    print('latVecs array does not have the correct dimensions.')
                    print('It must be a 3 x 3 nested array.')
                    print('Example: np.array([[4, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 4]])')
            flag = False

            # check for mismatched number of atoms and spins in basis
            if self.atomBasis.shape != self.spinBasis.shape:
                flag = True
            if flag:
                flagCount += 1
                if self.verbose:
                    print('atomBasis and spinBasis must have the same dimensions.')

        # summarize results
        if flagCount == 0:
            if self.verbose:
                print('All MagSpecies() checks passed. No obvious problems found.\n')

    def copy(self):
        """Return a deep copy of the MagSpecies object.
        return copy.deepcopy(self)


def atomsFromSpins(self, spinvecs, fractional=True, returnIdxs=False)

Return the atomic positions corresponding to specified spins.

This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.magutils.atomsFromSpins() method.


MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
spinvecs : list or array
spin vectors for which the corresponding atoms should be returned.
fractional : boolean
set as True if the atomic positions are to be returned as fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice vectors.
returnIdxs : boolean
if True, the indices of the atoms will also be returned.


List of arrays of atoms corresponding to the spins.

Expand source code
def atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
    """Return the atomic positions corresponding to specified spins.

    This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.magutils.atomsFromSpins() method.

        magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
        spinvecs (list or array): spin vectors for which the
            corresponding atoms should be returned.
        fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are to be
            returned as fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
        returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the atoms will also be

        List of arrays of atoms corresponding to the spins.
    return atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional,returnIdxs)
def copy(self)

Return a deep copy of the MagSpecies object.

Expand source code
def copy(self):
    """Return a deep copy of the MagSpecies object.
    return copy.deepcopy(self)
def findAtomIndices(self, atomList)

Return list of indices corresponding to input list of atomic coordinates.

This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.findAtomIndices() method.


atomList (numpy array of atomic coordinates)


List of indices corresponding to the atomList.

Expand source code
def findAtomIndices(self,atomList):
    """Return list of indices corresponding to input list of atomic coordinates.

    This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.findAtomIndices() method. 

        atomList (numpy array of atomic coordinates)

        List of indices corresponding to the atomList.
    return findAtomIndices(self,atomList)
def makeAtoms(self)

Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms for this species.

Expand source code
def makeAtoms(self):
    """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms for this species.
    if self.useDiffpyStruc:
        self.atoms = generateAtomsXYZ(self.struc, self.rmaxAtoms, self.strucIdxs)
            self.atoms, self.spins = generateFromUnitCell(self.latVecs,
            print('Please check latVecs, atomBasis, and spinBasis.')
def makeFF(self)

Generate the magnetic form factor.

Expand source code
def makeFF(self):
    """Generate the magnetic form factor.
    # g = self.gS+self.gL # move this up to initialization of MagSpecies
    if getFFparams(self.ffparamkey) != ['none']:
        if self.j2type == 'RE':
            self.ff = (jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey))+
                       self.gL/self.g * jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey), j2=True))
        elif self.j2type == 'TM':
            self.ff = (jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey))+
                       (self.g-2)/self.g * jCalc(self.ffqgrid, getFFparams(self.ffparamkey), j2=True))
            print("j2type argument must be either 'RE' or 'TM'. Using generic magnetic form factor.")
            self.ff = jCalc(self.ffqgrid)

        print('Using generic magnetic form factor.')
        self.ff = jCalc(self.ffqgrid)
def makeSpins(self)

Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the spin vectors in the structure. Must provide propagation vector(s) and basis vector(s).

Expand source code
def makeSpins(self):
    """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the spin vectors in the
           structure. Must provide propagation vector(s) and basis
    if self.useDiffpyStruc:
        self.spins = generateSpinsXYZ(self.struc, self.atoms, self.kvecs, self.basisvecs, 
                                      self.origin, self.avgmom)
        if self.useOcc:
            self.spins *= self.occ
        print('Since you are not using a diffpy Structure object,')
        print('the spins are generated from the makeAtoms() method.')
        print('Please call that method if you have not already.')
def runChecks(self)

Run some simple checks and raise a warning if a problem is found.

Expand source code
def runChecks(self):
    """Run some simple checks and raise a warning if a problem is found.
    if self.verbose:        
        print(('Running checks for '+self.label+' MagSpecies object...\n'))

    flagCount = 0
    flag = False

    if self.useDiffpyStruc:
        # check that basisvecs and kvecs have same shape
        if self.kvecs.shape != self.basisvecs.shape:
            flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            if self.verbose:
                print('kvecs and basisvecs must have the same dimensions.')

        # check for improperlatVecs array
        if self.latVecs.shape != (3, 3):
            flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            if self.verbose:
                print('latVecs array does not have the correct dimensions.')
                print('It must be a 3 x 3 nested array.')
                print('Example: np.array([[4, 0, 0], [0, 4, 0], [0, 0, 4]])')
        flag = False

        # check for mismatched number of atoms and spins in basis
        if self.atomBasis.shape != self.spinBasis.shape:
            flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            if self.verbose:
                print('atomBasis and spinBasis must have the same dimensions.')

    # summarize results
    if flagCount == 0:
        if self.verbose:
            print('All MagSpecies() checks passed. No obvious problems found.\n')
def setOcc(self)

Set the MagSpecies.occ attribute according to the Diffpy Structure.

Expand source code
def setOcc(self):
    """Set the MagSpecies.occ attribute according to the Diffpy Structure.
    if self.struc != []:
        self.occ = np.mean(self.struc.occupancy[self.strucIdxs])
        self.occ *= 1
def spinsFromAtoms(self, positions, fractional=True, returnIdxs=False)

Return the spin vectors corresponding to specified atomic positions.

This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.magutils.spinsFromAtoms() method.


MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
positions : list or array
atomic positions for which the corresponding spins should be returned.
fractional : boolean
set as True if the atomic positions are in fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice vectors.
returnIdxs : boolean
if True, the indices of the spins will also be returned.


Array consisting of the spins corresponding to the atomic positions.

Expand source code
def spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
    """Return the spin vectors corresponding to specified atomic

    This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.magutils.spinsFromAtoms() method.

        magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
        positions (list or array): atomic positions for which the
            corresponding spins should be returned.
        fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are in
            fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
        returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the spins will also be
        Array consisting of the spins corresponding to the atomic positions.
    return spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional,returnIdxs)
class MagStructure (struc=None, species=None, atoms=None, spins=None, gfactors=None, rmaxAtoms=30.0, avgmom=None, ffqgrid=None, ff=None, label='', K1=None, K2=None, fractions=None, Uiso=0.01, calcIdxs=None, corrLength=0.0, dampingMat=0.0, verbose=False, netMag=0, rho0=0, magneticAtomRatio=0, atomic_struc=None, transform='')

Build on the diffpy.Structure class to include magnetic attributes.

This class takes a diffpy.Structure object and packages additional info relating to magnetic structure, which can then be fed to an MPDFcalculator object.


struc : diffpy.Structure object
provides lattice parameters and unit cell of desired structure.
atomic_struc : diffpy.Structure object
provides atomic structure inferred from the MCIF file. Only relevant if reading in MCIF file. If not initialized, it is assumed that either the magnetic and atomic unit cells are equivalent or spins were generated from the atomic unit cell using basis vectors.
transform : string
string describing the transformation from the atomic cell basis vectors to the magnetic cell basis vector. Should be present whenever atomic_struc is.
species : python dictionary
dictionary of magnetic species in the structure. The values are MagSpecies objects.
atoms : numpy array
list of atomic coordinates of all the magnetic atoms in the structure; e.g. generated by generateAtomsXYZ()
spins : numpy array
triplets giving the spin vectors of all the atoms, in the same order as the atoms array provided as input.
gfactors : numpy array
Lande g-factors of the magnetic moments
rmaxAtoms : float
maximum distance from the origin of atomic positions generated by the makeAtoms method.
ffqgrid : numpy array
grid of momentum transfer values used for calculating the magnetic form factor.
ff : numpy array
magnetic form factor. Should be same shape as ffqgrid.
label : string
Optional descriptive string for the MagStructure.
K1 : float
a constant used for calculating Dr; should be averaged over all magnetic species. Important if physical information is to be extracted from mPDF scale factors, e.g. moment size.
K2 : float
another constant used for calculating Dr.
fractions : python dictionary
Dictionary providing the fraction of spins in the magnetic structure corresponding to each species.
verbose : boolean
If True, will print messages relating to the structure. Useful for troubleshooting. Default is False.
calcIdxs : python list
list giving the indices of the atoms array specifying the atoms to be used as the origin when calculating the mPDF. If given the string argument 'all', then every atom will be used (potentially causing very long calculation times).
corrLength : scalar
magnetic correlation length such that the magnitude of the correlation between two spins separated by a distance d is given by exp(-d/corrLength). If set to zero, the correlation length is assumed to be infinite.
dampingMat : 3x3 matrix
damping matrix that encodes anisotropic correlation lengths. If nonzero, this supercedes the scalar corrLength attribute (which can only be used for isotropic correlation lengths).
rho0 : float
number of magnetic moments per cubic Angstrom in the magnetic structure; default value is 0.
netMag : float
net magnetization in Bohr magnetons per magnetic moment in the sample; default is 0. Only nonzero for ferro/ferrimagnets or canted antiferromagnets.
magneticAtomRatio : float
ratio of magnetic atoms to total atoms.
Expand source code
class MagStructure:
    """Build on the diffpy.Structure class to include magnetic attributes.

    This class takes a diffpy.Structure object and packages additional info
    relating to magnetic structure, which can then be fed to an MPDFcalculator

        struc (diffpy.Structure object): provides lattice parameters and unit
            cell of desired structure.
        atomic_struc (diffpy.Structure object): provides atomic structure inferred
            from the MCIF file. Only relevant if reading in MCIF file. If not initialized, it is
            assumed that either the magnetic and atomic unit cells are equivalent
            or spins were generated from the atomic unit cell using basis vectors.
        transform (string): string describing the transformation from the atomic
            cell basis vectors to the magnetic cell basis vector. Should be 
            present whenever atomic_struc is.
        species (python dictionary): dictionary of magnetic species in the
            structure. The values are MagSpecies objects.
        atoms (numpy array): list of atomic coordinates of all the magnetic
            atoms in the structure; e.g. generated by generateAtomsXYZ()
        spins (numpy array): triplets giving the spin vectors of all the
            atoms, in the same order as the atoms array provided as input.
        gfactors (numpy array): Lande g-factors of the magnetic moments
        rmaxAtoms (float): maximum distance from the origin of atomic
            positions generated by the makeAtoms method.
        ffqgrid (numpy array): grid of momentum transfer values used for
            calculating the magnetic form factor.
        ff (numpy array): magnetic form factor. Should be same shape as
        label (string): Optional descriptive string for the MagStructure.
        K1 (float): a constant used for calculating Dr; should be averaged
            over all magnetic species. Important if physical information is
            to be extracted from mPDF scale factors, e.g. moment size.
        K2 (float): another constant used for calculating Dr.
        fractions (python dictionary): Dictionary providing the fraction of
            spins in the magnetic structure corresponding to each species.
        verbose (boolean): If True, will print messages relating to the structure.
            Useful for troubleshooting. Default is False.
        calcIdxs (python list): list giving the indices of the atoms array
            specifying the atoms to be used as the origin when calculating
            the mPDF. If given the string argument 'all', then every atom
            will be used (potentially causing very long calculation times).
        corrLength (scalar): magnetic correlation length such that the
            magnitude of the correlation between two spins separated by a
            distance d is given by exp(-d/corrLength). If set to zero, the
            correlation length is assumed to be infinite.
        dampingMat (3x3 matrix): damping matrix that encodes anisotropic
            correlation lengths. If nonzero, this supercedes the scalar
            corrLength attribute (which can only be used for isotropic
            correlation lengths).
        rho0 (float): number of magnetic moments per cubic Angstrom in the
            magnetic structure; default value is 0.
        netMag (float): net magnetization in Bohr magnetons per magnetic moment
            in the sample; default is 0. Only nonzero for ferro/ferrimagnets or
            canted antiferromagnets.
        magneticAtomRatio (float): ratio of magnetic atoms to total atoms.


    def __init__(self, struc=None, species=None, atoms=None, spins=None,
                 gfactors=None, rmaxAtoms=30.0, avgmom=None, ffqgrid=None, ff=None,
                 label='', K1=None, K2=None, fractions=None, Uiso=0.01,
                 calcIdxs=None, corrLength=0.0, dampingMat=0.0, verbose=False,
                 netMag=0, rho0=0, magneticAtomRatio=0, atomic_struc=None,

        self.rmaxAtoms = rmaxAtoms
        self.label = label
        self.transform = transform

        if struc is None:
            self.struc = []
            self.struc = struc
        if atomic_struc is None:
            self.atomic_struc = []
            self.atomic_struc = atomic_struc
        if atoms is None:
            self.atoms = np.array([])
            self.atoms = atoms
        if spins is None:
            self.spins = np.array([])
            self.spins = spins
        if gfactors is None:
            self.gfactors = np.array([2.0])
            self.gfactors = gfactors
        if species is None:
            self.species = {}
            self.species = species
        if ffqgrid is None:
            self.ffqgrid = np.arange(0, 10.0, 0.01)
            self.ffqgrid = ffqgrid
        if ff is None:
            self.ff = jCalc(self.ffqgrid)
            self.ff = ff
        if K1 is None:
            self.K1 = 0.66667*(1.913*2.81794/2.0)**2*2.0**2*0.5*(0.5+1)
            self.K1 = K1
        if K2 is None:
            self.K2 = self.K1
            self.K2 = K2
        if fractions is None:
            self.fractions = {}
            self.fractions = fractions
        if calcIdxs is None:
            self.calcIdxs = [0]
            self.calcIdxs = calcIdxs
        self.Uiso = Uiso
        self.corrLength = corrLength
        self.dampingMat = dampingMat
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.rho0 = rho0
        self.netMag = netMag
        self.magneticAtomRatio = magneticAtomRatio

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.label == '':
            return 'MagStructure() object'
            return self.label+': MagStructure() object'

    def makeSpecies(self, label, strucIdxs=None, atoms=None, spins=None,
                    basisvecs=None, kvecs=None, S=0.5, L=0.0, J=None, gS=None,
                    gL=None, g=None, j2type=None, ffparamkey=None,ffqgrid=None,
                    ff=None, occ=None):
        """Create a MagSpecies object and add it to the species dictionary.

            label (string): label for this particular magnetic species. Should be
                different from the labels for any other magnetic species you make.
            strucIdxs (python list): list of integers giving indices of magnetic
                atoms in the unit cell
            atoms (numpy array): list of atomic coordinates of all the magnetic
                atoms in the structure; e.g. generated by generateAtomsXYZ()
            spins (numpy array): triplets giving the spin vectors of all the
                atoms, in the same order as the atoms array provided as input.
            basisvecs (numpy array): nested three-vector(s) giving the basis
                vectors to generate the spins. e.g. np.array([[0, 0, 1]]). Any
                phase factor should be included directly with the basisvecs.
            kvecs (numpy array): nested three-vector(s) giving the propagation
                vectors for the magnetic structure in r.l.u.,
                e.g. np.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
            gS (float): spin component of the Lande g-factor (g = gS+gL).
                Calculated automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
            gL (float): orbital component of the Lande g-factor. Calculated
                automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
            g (float): Lande g-factor. Calculated automatically as gS+gL if not
            j2type (string): Specifies the way the j2 integral is included in the
                magnetic form factor. Must be either 'RE' for rare earth or 'TM' for
                transition metal. If 'RE', the coefficient on the j2 integral is
                gL/g; if 'TM', the coefficient is (g-2)/g. Default is 'RE'. Note
                that for the default values of S, L, and J, we will have gS=2,
                gL=0, and g=2, and there will be no difference in the form factor
                calculation for 'RE' or 'TM'.
            ffparamkey (string): gives the appropriate key for getFFparams()
            ffqgrid (numpy array): grid of momentum transfer values used for
                calculating the magnetic form factor.
            ff (numpy array): magnetic form factor.

        # check that the label is not a duplicate with any other mag species.
        duplicate = False
        for name in list(self.species.keys()):
            if name == label:
                duplicate = True
        if not duplicate:
            if ffqgrid is None:
                ffqgrid = np.arange(0, 10.0, 0.01)
            self.species[label] = MagSpecies(self.struc, label, strucIdxs, atoms, spins,
                                             self.rmaxAtoms, basisvecs, kvecs, S, L,
                                             J, gS, gL, g, j2type, ffparamkey, ffqgrid, ff,
                                             self.verbose, occ)
            # update the list of fractions
            totatoms = 0.0
            for key in self.species:
                totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            for key in self.species:
                if totatoms == 0.0:
                    totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
                frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
                self.fractions[key] = frac
            print('This label has already been assigned to another species in')
            print('the structure. Please choose a new label.')

    def getCoordsFromSpecies(self):
        """Read in atomic positions and spins from magnetic species.

        This differs from makeSpins() and makeAtoms() because it simply loads
        the atoms and spins from the species without re-generating them from 
        the structure.
        tempA = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
        tempS = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
        for key in self.species:
            na = self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            ns = self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            if (na > 0) and (na == ns):            
                tempA = np.concatenate((tempA, self.species[key].atoms))
                tempS = np.concatenate((tempS, self.species[key].spins))
                if self.verbose:
                    print(('Coordinates of atoms and spins for ' + key))
                    print('have not been loaded because they have not yet been')
                    print('generated and/or do not match in shape.')
        if tempA.shape != (1, 3):        
            self.atoms = tempA[1:]
            self.spins = tempS[1:]
        elif len(self.species) == 0:
            self.atoms = np.array([])
            self.spins = np.array([])

    def loadSpecies(self, magSpec):
        """Load in an already-existing MagSpecies object

            magSpec (MagSpecies object): The magnetic species to be imported
                into the structure.
        # check that the label is not a duplicate with any other mag species.
        duplicate = False
        for name in list(self.species.keys()):
            if name == magSpec.label:
                duplicate = True
        if not duplicate:
            self.species[magSpec.label] = magSpec
            self.struc = magSpec.struc
            # update the list of fractions
            totatoms = 0.0
            for key in self.species:
                totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            for key in list(self.species.keys()):
                if totatoms == 0.0:
                    totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
                frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
                self.fractions[key] = frac
            print('The label for this species has already been assigned to')
            print('another species in the structure. Please choose a new label')
            print('for this species.')

    def removeSpecies(self, label, update=True):
        """Remove a magnetic species from the species dictionary.

            label (string): key for the dictionary entry to be removed.
            update (boolean): if True, the MagStructure will update its atoms
                and spins with the removed species now excluded.
            del self.species[label]
            if update:
                # update the list of fractions
                totatoms = 0.0
                for key in self.species:
                    totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
                for key in self.species:                
                    if totatoms == 0.0:
                        totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
                    frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
                    self.fractions[key] = frac
            print('Species cannot be deleted. Check that you are using the')
            print('correct species label.')

    def makeAtoms(self):
        """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms for this species.

            fromUnitCell (boolean): True if atoms/spins to be generated from
                a unit cell provided by the user; False if the diffpy structure
                object is to be used.
            unitcell (numpy array): Provides the unit cell lattice vectors as
                np.array((avec, bvec, cvec)).
            atombasis (numpy array): Provides positions of the magnetic atoms
                in fractional coordinates within the unit cell.
            spin cell (numpy array): Provides the orientations of the spins in
                the unit cell, in the same order as atombasis
        temp = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
        for key in self.species:
            temp = np.concatenate((temp, self.species[key].atoms))
        self.atoms = temp[1:]

    def makeSpins(self):
        """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the spin vectors in the
               structure. Calls the makeSpins() method for each MagSpecies in
               the species dictionary and concatenates them together.
        temp = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
        for key in self.species:
            temp = np.concatenate((temp, self.species[key].spins))
        self.spins = temp[1:]

    def makeGfactors(self):
        """Generate an array of Lande g-factors in the same order as the spins
                in the MagStructure.
        temp = np.array([2.0])
        for key in self.species:
            temp = np.concatenate((temp,
        self.gfactors = temp[1:]

    def makeFractions(self):
        """Generate the fractions dictionary.
            totatoms = 0.0
            for key in self.species:
                totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            for key in self.species:                
                if totatoms == 0.0:
                    totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
                frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
                self.fractions[key] = frac
            if len(self.species) == 0:
                self.fractions = {}
                print('Check MagStructure.fractions dictionary for problems.')

    def makeKfactors(self):
        """Set the factors K1 and K2 used for unnormalized mPDF. The fractions
           dictionary must be accurate before running this method.
        K1, K2 = 0, 0        
        for key in self.species:
            ga = self.species[key].g
            Ja = self.species[key].J
            K1 += self.fractions[key]*ga*np.sqrt(Ja*(Ja+1))
            K2 += self.fractions[key]*ga**2*Ja*(Ja+1)
        K1 = K1**2
        K1 *= (1.913*2.81794/2.0)**2*2.0/3.0
        K2 *= (1.913*2.81794/2.0)**2*2.0/3.0
        self.K1 = K1
        self.K2 = K2

    def makeFF(self):
        """Generate the properly weighted average magnetic form factor of all
                the magnetic species in the structure.
            self.ffqgrid = list(self.species.values())[0].ffqgrid
            self.ff = np.zeros_like(self.ffqgrid)
            totatoms = 0.0
            for key in self.species:
                totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            for key in self.species:
                frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
                self.ff += frac*self.species[key].ff
            if len(self.species) == 0:
                self.ff = jCalc(self.ffqgrid)
                print('Check that all mag species have same q-grid.')

    def makeAll(self):
        """Shortcut method to generate atoms, spins, g-factors, and form
                factor for the magnetic structure all in one go.

    def spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
        """Return the spin vectors corresponding to specified atomic

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.spinsFromAtoms() method. 

            magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
            positions (list or array): atomic positions for which the
                corresponding spins should be returned.
            fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are in
                fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
            returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the spins will also be
            Array consisting of the spins corresponding to the atomic positions.
        return spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional,returnIdxs)

    def atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
        """Return the atomic positions corresponding to specified spins.

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.atomsFromSpins() method. 

            magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
            spinvecs (list or array): spin vectors for which the
                corresponding atoms should be returned.
            fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are to be
                returned as fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
            returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the atoms will also be

            List of arrays of atoms corresponding to the spins.
        return atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional,returnIdxs)

    def visualize(self,atoms,spins,showcrystalaxes=False,
        """Generate a crude 3-d plot to visualize the selected spins.

            atoms (numpy array): array of atomic positions of spins to be
            spins (numpy array): array of spin vectors in same order as atoms.
            showcrystalaxes (boolean): if True, will display the crystal axes
                determined from the first magnetic species in the MagStructure
            axesorigin (array): position at which the crystal axes should be
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt        
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d

        fig = visualizeSpins(atoms,spins)
        if showcrystalaxes:
            ax3d = fig.axes[0]
                if mspec.useDiffpyStruc:
                    a, b, c = lat.stdbase
                    a, b, c = mspec.latVecs
                xo, yo, zo = axesorigin
                ax3d.quiver(xo, yo, zo, a[0], a[1], a[2], pivot='tail', color='r')
                ax3d.quiver(xo, yo, zo, b[0], b[1], b[2], pivot='tail', color='g')
                ax3d.quiver(xo, yo, zo, c[0], c[1], c[2], pivot='tail', color='b')
                print('Please make sure your magnetic structure contains a')
                print('magnetic species with MagSpecies.struc set to a diffpy')
                print('structure or MagSpecies.latVecs provided and')
                print('MagSpecies.useDiffpyStruc set to False.')

    def findAtomIndices(self,atomList):
        """Return list of indices corresponding to input list of atomic coordinates.

        This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.findAtomIndices() method. 

            atomList (numpy array of atomic coordinates)

            List of indices corresponding to the atomList.
        return findAtomIndices(self,atomList)

    def runChecks(self, doCalcIdxsCheck=False):
        """Run some simple checks and raise a warning if a problem is found.
        # do the MagSpecies checks
        for key in self.species:

        if self.verbose:        
            print(('Running checks for '+self.label+' MagStructure object...\n'))

        flag = False
        flagCount = 0

        # check for duplication among magnetic species
        if len(self.species) > 0:        
            if list(self.species.values())[0].useDiffpyStruc:
                idxs = []
                for key in self.species:
                idxs = [item for sublist in idxs for item in sublist] # flatten the list
                for idx in idxs:
                    if idxs.count(idx) > 1:
                        flag = True
                if flag:
                    flagCount += 1
                    if self.verbose:
                        print('Warning: Magnetic species may have overlapping atoms.')
                        print('Check the strucIdxs lists for your magnetic species.')
                    flag = False

        # check that the fractions are consistent
        totatoms = 0.0
        for key in self.species:
            totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
        for key in self.species:
            if totatoms == 0.0:
                totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
            frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
            if (frac > 0) and (np.abs(frac - self.fractions[key])/frac > 0.1):
                flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            if self.verbose:
                print('Species fractions do not correspond to actual number of')
                print('spins of each species in the structure.')
        flag = False

        ### check if calcIdxs may not be representative of all MagSpecies.
        if doCalcIdxsCheck: # option to turn off this check e.g. when loading a MagSpecies
            if len(self.calcIdxs) < len(self.species):
                flag = True
            if flag:
                flagCount += 1
                print('Warning: your calcIdxs may not be representative of all')
                print('the magnetic species. calcIdxs should have the index of')
                print('at least one spin from each species. Use')
                print('magStruc.getSpeciesIdxs() to see starting indices for')
                print('each species.\n')
            flag = False

        ### check if calcIdxs has indices that exceed the spin array
        if self.atoms.shape[0]>0:
            if (np.array(self.calcIdxs).max()+1) > self.atoms.shape[0]:
                flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            print('calcIdxs contains indices that are too large for the')
            print('arrays of atoms and spins contained in the MagStructure.')
        flag = False

        # summarize results
        if flagCount == 0:
            if self.verbose:
                print('All MagStructure checks passed. No obvious problems found.')

    def getSpeciesIdxs(self):
        """Return a dictionary with the starting index in the atoms and spins
           arrays corresponding to each magnetic species.
        idxDict = {}
        startIdx = 0
        for key in self.species:
            idxDict[key] = startIdx
            startIdx += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
        return idxDict

    def makeCalcIdxs(self):
        """Generate the indices of the atoms to be used for the calculation.
        idxDict = self.getSpeciesIdxs()
        calcIdxs = []
        for key in self.species:
            calcIdxs.append(np.array(self.species[key].calcIdxs) +
        calcIdxs = [ci for sublist in calcIdxs for ci in sublist]
        self.calcIdxs = calcIdxs

    def generateScaledSpins(self, originIdx=0):
        """Apply a correlation length to the spin magnitudes.

            originIdx (int): The index of the spin in magstructure.spins
                that should be considered the origin.

            scaledSpins (np.array): An array with the same shape as the
                self.spins array, where the magnitudes of the spins have
                been scaled in accordance with the correlation length.
        scaledSpins = 1.0*self.spins
        if type(self.dampingMat) != np.ndarray: # isotropic correlation length
            xi = self.corrLength
            if xi != 0.0:
                distanceVecs = self.atoms - self.atoms[originIdx]
                distances = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, distanceVecs)
                rescale = np.exp(-distances/xi)[:,np.newaxis] 
                scaledSpins *= rescale 
            dampingMat = self.dampingMat
            # ensure that dampingMat is 3x3 symmetric matrix
            if dampingMat.shape == (3, 3):
                if np.allclose(dampingMat, dampingMat.T, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8):
                    distanceVecs = self.atoms - self.atoms[originIdx]
                    distances = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, distanceVecs)
                    distanceVecsN = distanceVecs/np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm,1,distanceVecs)[:,np.newaxis]
                    mult1 = np.tensordot(dampingMat, distanceVecsN, axes=(0,1)).T
                    xi = 1.0/np.sqrt(np.apply_along_axis(np.sum, 1, distanceVecsN*mult1))
                    xi[originIdx] = 1.0 # avoid divide-by-zero problem
                    rescale = np.exp(-distances/xi)[:,np.newaxis] 
                    scaledSpins *= rescale                     
                    print('Damping matrix is not symmetric. Spins will not be modified.')
                print('Damping matrix is not a 3x3 matrix. Spins will not be modified.')

        return scaledSpins

    def calcAtomicDensity(self, volume=0, numSpins=0):
        """Determine the number density of magnetic moments.
        Sets the calculated number density equal to self.rho0.

            volume (scalar): Volume of the MagStructure. If equal to the
                default value of 0, then the volume will be calculated
                assuming a sphere of radius rmaxAtoms.
            numSpins (integer): number of magnetic moments in the volume
                being considered. If equal to the default value of 0, then
                the numSpins will be set to the length of the spins array.
        if self.struc != []:
            volume = np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(self.struc.lattice.metrics))
            for key in self.species:
                #strucIdxs = self.species[key].strucIdxs
                #numSpins += self.species[key].struc.occupancy[strucIdxs].sum()
                numSpins += len(self.species[key].strucIdxs)
            self.rho0 = numSpins / volume
            print('Please create a diffpy Structure object to use this feature')
            # if volume==0:
            #     radius = self.rmaxAtoms + \
            #              np.linalg.norm(self.struc.lattice.stdbase.sum(axis=1))
            #     volume = 1.33333*np.pi*radius**3
            # if numSpins==0:
            #     numSpins = len(self.spins)
            # self.rho0 = numSpins / volume

    def calcMagneticAtomRatio(self):
        """Determine the ratio of magnetic atoms to total atoms.
        Sets the calculated number equal to self.magneticAtomRatio.

        occ = self.struc.occupancy
        totalOcc = occ.sum()
        numMagAtoms = 0
        if self.struc != []:
            for key in self.species:
                strucIdxs = self.species[key].strucIdxs
                numMagAtoms += occ[strucIdxs].sum()
            self.magneticAtomRatio = numMagAtoms / totalOcc
            print('Please create a diffpy Structure object to use this feature')

    def calcNetMag(self,method='directCalculation'):
        """Determine the net magnetization per spin.
        Sets the calculated value equal to self.netMag.
        This method is only necessary for magnetic structures with a
        net magnetic moment, such as a ferromagnet, ferrimagnet, or
        canted antiferromagnet.
            method: How the net magnetization should be calculated.
                'directCalculation': the mean of the entire structure is
                calculated. May have slight inaccuracies due to edge effects.
                'speciesCalculation': use the individual MagSpecies to find
                the average magnetization per spin.

        if method == 'directCalculation':
            totalMag = np.sum(self.spins, axis=0) * np.mean(self.gfactors)
            self.netMag = np.linalg.norm(totalMag) / self.spins.shape[0]
        if method == 'speciesCalculation':
            mags = []
            weights = []
            netMag = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0])
            if self.struc != []:
                for key in self.species:
                    g = self.species[key].gS + self.species[key].gL
                    mag = g * np.linalg.norm(self.species[key].spins[0]) # assumes constant magnitude of spins
                    weight = np.sum(self.struc.occupancy[self.species[key].strucIdxs])
                    netMag += g * weight * self.species[key].spins[0] # assumes uniform spins within the species                    
                mags = np.array(mags)
                weights = np.array(weights)
                #self.netMag = np.sum(mags * weights)/np.sum(weights)
                self.netMag = np.linalg.norm(netMag/np.sum(weights))
                print('Please create a diffpy Structure object to use this feature')

    def copy(self):
        """Return a deep copy of the MagStructure object."""
        return copy.deepcopy(self)


def atomsFromSpins(self, spinvecs, fractional=True, returnIdxs=False)

Return the atomic positions corresponding to specified spins.

This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.atomsFromSpins() method.


MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
spinvecs : list or array
spin vectors for which the corresponding atoms should be returned.
fractional : boolean
set as True if the atomic positions are to be returned as fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice vectors.
returnIdxs : boolean
if True, the indices of the atoms will also be returned.


List of arrays of atoms corresponding to the spins.

Expand source code
def atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
    """Return the atomic positions corresponding to specified spins.

    This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.atomsFromSpins() method. 

        magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
        spinvecs (list or array): spin vectors for which the
            corresponding atoms should be returned.
        fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are to be
            returned as fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
        returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the atoms will also be

        List of arrays of atoms corresponding to the spins.
    return atomsFromSpins(self,spinvecs,fractional,returnIdxs)
def calcAtomicDensity(self, volume=0, numSpins=0)

Determine the number density of magnetic moments. Sets the calculated number density equal to self.rho0.


volume : scalar
Volume of the MagStructure. If equal to the default value of 0, then the volume will be calculated assuming a sphere of radius rmaxAtoms.
numSpins : integer
number of magnetic moments in the volume being considered. If equal to the default value of 0, then the numSpins will be set to the length of the spins array.
Expand source code
def calcAtomicDensity(self, volume=0, numSpins=0):
    """Determine the number density of magnetic moments.
    Sets the calculated number density equal to self.rho0.

        volume (scalar): Volume of the MagStructure. If equal to the
            default value of 0, then the volume will be calculated
            assuming a sphere of radius rmaxAtoms.
        numSpins (integer): number of magnetic moments in the volume
            being considered. If equal to the default value of 0, then
            the numSpins will be set to the length of the spins array.
    if self.struc != []:
        volume = np.sqrt(np.linalg.det(self.struc.lattice.metrics))
        for key in self.species:
            #strucIdxs = self.species[key].strucIdxs
            #numSpins += self.species[key].struc.occupancy[strucIdxs].sum()
            numSpins += len(self.species[key].strucIdxs)
        self.rho0 = numSpins / volume
        print('Please create a diffpy Structure object to use this feature')
def calcMagneticAtomRatio(self)

Determine the ratio of magnetic atoms to total atoms. Sets the calculated number equal to self.magneticAtomRatio.

Expand source code
def calcMagneticAtomRatio(self):
    """Determine the ratio of magnetic atoms to total atoms.
    Sets the calculated number equal to self.magneticAtomRatio.

    occ = self.struc.occupancy
    totalOcc = occ.sum()
    numMagAtoms = 0
    if self.struc != []:
        for key in self.species:
            strucIdxs = self.species[key].strucIdxs
            numMagAtoms += occ[strucIdxs].sum()
        self.magneticAtomRatio = numMagAtoms / totalOcc
        print('Please create a diffpy Structure object to use this feature')
def calcNetMag(self, method='directCalculation')

Determine the net magnetization per spin. Sets the calculated value equal to self.netMag.

This method is only necessary for magnetic structures with a net magnetic moment, such as a ferromagnet, ferrimagnet, or canted antiferromagnet.


How the net magnetization should be calculated. 'directCalculation': the mean of the entire structure is calculated. May have slight inaccuracies due to edge effects. 'speciesCalculation': use the individual MagSpecies to find the average magnetization per spin.
Expand source code
def calcNetMag(self,method='directCalculation'):
    """Determine the net magnetization per spin.
    Sets the calculated value equal to self.netMag.
    This method is only necessary for magnetic structures with a
    net magnetic moment, such as a ferromagnet, ferrimagnet, or
    canted antiferromagnet.
        method: How the net magnetization should be calculated.
            'directCalculation': the mean of the entire structure is
            calculated. May have slight inaccuracies due to edge effects.
            'speciesCalculation': use the individual MagSpecies to find
            the average magnetization per spin.

    if method == 'directCalculation':
        totalMag = np.sum(self.spins, axis=0) * np.mean(self.gfactors)
        self.netMag = np.linalg.norm(totalMag) / self.spins.shape[0]
    if method == 'speciesCalculation':
        mags = []
        weights = []
        netMag = np.array([0.0,0.0,0.0])
        if self.struc != []:
            for key in self.species:
                g = self.species[key].gS + self.species[key].gL
                mag = g * np.linalg.norm(self.species[key].spins[0]) # assumes constant magnitude of spins
                weight = np.sum(self.struc.occupancy[self.species[key].strucIdxs])
                netMag += g * weight * self.species[key].spins[0] # assumes uniform spins within the species                    
            mags = np.array(mags)
            weights = np.array(weights)
            #self.netMag = np.sum(mags * weights)/np.sum(weights)
            self.netMag = np.linalg.norm(netMag/np.sum(weights))
            print('Please create a diffpy Structure object to use this feature')
def copy(self)

Return a deep copy of the MagStructure object.

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def copy(self):
    """Return a deep copy of the MagStructure object."""
    return copy.deepcopy(self)
def findAtomIndices(self, atomList)

Return list of indices corresponding to input list of atomic coordinates.

This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.findAtomIndices() method.


atomList (numpy array of atomic coordinates)


List of indices corresponding to the atomList.

Expand source code
def findAtomIndices(self,atomList):
    """Return list of indices corresponding to input list of atomic coordinates.

    This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.findAtomIndices() method. 

        atomList (numpy array of atomic coordinates)

        List of indices corresponding to the atomList.
    return findAtomIndices(self,atomList)
def generateScaledSpins(self, originIdx=0)

Apply a correlation length to the spin magnitudes.


originIdx : int
The index of the spin in magstructure.spins that should be considered the origin.


scaledSpins (np.array): An array with the same shape as the self.spins array, where the magnitudes of the spins have been scaled in accordance with the correlation length.

Expand source code
def generateScaledSpins(self, originIdx=0):
    """Apply a correlation length to the spin magnitudes.

        originIdx (int): The index of the spin in magstructure.spins
            that should be considered the origin.

        scaledSpins (np.array): An array with the same shape as the
            self.spins array, where the magnitudes of the spins have
            been scaled in accordance with the correlation length.
    scaledSpins = 1.0*self.spins
    if type(self.dampingMat) != np.ndarray: # isotropic correlation length
        xi = self.corrLength
        if xi != 0.0:
            distanceVecs = self.atoms - self.atoms[originIdx]
            distances = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, distanceVecs)
            rescale = np.exp(-distances/xi)[:,np.newaxis] 
            scaledSpins *= rescale 
        dampingMat = self.dampingMat
        # ensure that dampingMat is 3x3 symmetric matrix
        if dampingMat.shape == (3, 3):
            if np.allclose(dampingMat, dampingMat.T, rtol=1e-5, atol=1e-8):
                distanceVecs = self.atoms - self.atoms[originIdx]
                distances = np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm, 1, distanceVecs)
                distanceVecsN = distanceVecs/np.apply_along_axis(np.linalg.norm,1,distanceVecs)[:,np.newaxis]
                mult1 = np.tensordot(dampingMat, distanceVecsN, axes=(0,1)).T
                xi = 1.0/np.sqrt(np.apply_along_axis(np.sum, 1, distanceVecsN*mult1))
                xi[originIdx] = 1.0 # avoid divide-by-zero problem
                rescale = np.exp(-distances/xi)[:,np.newaxis] 
                scaledSpins *= rescale                     
                print('Damping matrix is not symmetric. Spins will not be modified.')
            print('Damping matrix is not a 3x3 matrix. Spins will not be modified.')

    return scaledSpins
def getCoordsFromSpecies(self)

Read in atomic positions and spins from magnetic species.

This differs from makeSpins() and makeAtoms() because it simply loads the atoms and spins from the species without re-generating them from the structure.

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def getCoordsFromSpecies(self):
    """Read in atomic positions and spins from magnetic species.

    This differs from makeSpins() and makeAtoms() because it simply loads
    the atoms and spins from the species without re-generating them from 
    the structure.
    tempA = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
    tempS = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
    for key in self.species:
        na = self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
        ns = self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
        if (na > 0) and (na == ns):            
            tempA = np.concatenate((tempA, self.species[key].atoms))
            tempS = np.concatenate((tempS, self.species[key].spins))
            if self.verbose:
                print(('Coordinates of atoms and spins for ' + key))
                print('have not been loaded because they have not yet been')
                print('generated and/or do not match in shape.')
    if tempA.shape != (1, 3):        
        self.atoms = tempA[1:]
        self.spins = tempS[1:]
    elif len(self.species) == 0:
        self.atoms = np.array([])
        self.spins = np.array([])
def getSpeciesIdxs(self)

Return a dictionary with the starting index in the atoms and spins arrays corresponding to each magnetic species.

Expand source code
def getSpeciesIdxs(self):
    """Return a dictionary with the starting index in the atoms and spins
       arrays corresponding to each magnetic species.
    idxDict = {}
    startIdx = 0
    for key in self.species:
        idxDict[key] = startIdx
        startIdx += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
    return idxDict
def loadSpecies(self, magSpec)

Load in an already-existing MagSpecies object


magSpec : MagSpecies object
The magnetic species to be imported into the structure.
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def loadSpecies(self, magSpec):
    """Load in an already-existing MagSpecies object

        magSpec (MagSpecies object): The magnetic species to be imported
            into the structure.
    # check that the label is not a duplicate with any other mag species.
    duplicate = False
    for name in list(self.species.keys()):
        if name == magSpec.label:
            duplicate = True
    if not duplicate:
        self.species[magSpec.label] = magSpec
        self.struc = magSpec.struc
        # update the list of fractions
        totatoms = 0.0
        for key in self.species:
            totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
        for key in list(self.species.keys()):
            if totatoms == 0.0:
                totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
            frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
            self.fractions[key] = frac
        print('The label for this species has already been assigned to')
        print('another species in the structure. Please choose a new label')
        print('for this species.')
def makeAll(self)

Shortcut method to generate atoms, spins, g-factors, and form factor for the magnetic structure all in one go.

Expand source code
def makeAll(self):
    """Shortcut method to generate atoms, spins, g-factors, and form
            factor for the magnetic structure all in one go.
def makeAtoms(self)

Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms for this species.


fromUnitCell : boolean
True if atoms/spins to be generated from a unit cell provided by the user; False if the diffpy structure object is to be used.
unitcell : numpy array
Provides the unit cell lattice vectors as np.array((avec, bvec, cvec)).
atombasis : numpy array
Provides positions of the magnetic atoms in fractional coordinates within the unit cell.

spin cell (numpy array): Provides the orientations of the spins in the unit cell, in the same order as atombasis

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def makeAtoms(self):
    """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the atoms for this species.

        fromUnitCell (boolean): True if atoms/spins to be generated from
            a unit cell provided by the user; False if the diffpy structure
            object is to be used.
        unitcell (numpy array): Provides the unit cell lattice vectors as
            np.array((avec, bvec, cvec)).
        atombasis (numpy array): Provides positions of the magnetic atoms
            in fractional coordinates within the unit cell.
        spin cell (numpy array): Provides the orientations of the spins in
            the unit cell, in the same order as atombasis
    temp = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
    for key in self.species:
        temp = np.concatenate((temp, self.species[key].atoms))
    self.atoms = temp[1:]
def makeCalcIdxs(self)

Generate the indices of the atoms to be used for the calculation.

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def makeCalcIdxs(self):
    """Generate the indices of the atoms to be used for the calculation.
    idxDict = self.getSpeciesIdxs()
    calcIdxs = []
    for key in self.species:
        calcIdxs.append(np.array(self.species[key].calcIdxs) +
    calcIdxs = [ci for sublist in calcIdxs for ci in sublist]
    self.calcIdxs = calcIdxs
def makeFF(self)

Generate the properly weighted average magnetic form factor of all the magnetic species in the structure.

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def makeFF(self):
    """Generate the properly weighted average magnetic form factor of all
            the magnetic species in the structure.
        self.ffqgrid = list(self.species.values())[0].ffqgrid
        self.ff = np.zeros_like(self.ffqgrid)
        totatoms = 0.0
        for key in self.species:
            totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
        for key in self.species:
            frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
            self.ff += frac*self.species[key].ff
        if len(self.species) == 0:
            self.ff = jCalc(self.ffqgrid)
            print('Check that all mag species have same q-grid.')
def makeFractions(self)

Generate the fractions dictionary.

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def makeFractions(self):
    """Generate the fractions dictionary.
        totatoms = 0.0
        for key in self.species:
            totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
        for key in self.species:                
            if totatoms == 0.0:
                totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
            frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
            self.fractions[key] = frac
        if len(self.species) == 0:
            self.fractions = {}
            print('Check MagStructure.fractions dictionary for problems.')
def makeGfactors(self)

Generate an array of Lande g-factors in the same order as the spins in the MagStructure.

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def makeGfactors(self):
    """Generate an array of Lande g-factors in the same order as the spins
            in the MagStructure.
    temp = np.array([2.0])
    for key in self.species:
        temp = np.concatenate((temp,
    self.gfactors = temp[1:]
def makeKfactors(self)

Set the factors K1 and K2 used for unnormalized mPDF. The fractions dictionary must be accurate before running this method.

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def makeKfactors(self):
    """Set the factors K1 and K2 used for unnormalized mPDF. The fractions
       dictionary must be accurate before running this method.
    K1, K2 = 0, 0        
    for key in self.species:
        ga = self.species[key].g
        Ja = self.species[key].J
        K1 += self.fractions[key]*ga*np.sqrt(Ja*(Ja+1))
        K2 += self.fractions[key]*ga**2*Ja*(Ja+1)
    K1 = K1**2
    K1 *= (1.913*2.81794/2.0)**2*2.0/3.0
    K2 *= (1.913*2.81794/2.0)**2*2.0/3.0
    self.K1 = K1
    self.K2 = K2
def makeSpecies(self, label, strucIdxs=None, atoms=None, spins=None, basisvecs=None, kvecs=None, S=0.5, L=0.0, J=None, gS=None, gL=None, g=None, j2type=None, ffparamkey=None, ffqgrid=None, ff=None, occ=None)

Create a MagSpecies object and add it to the species dictionary.


label : string
label for this particular magnetic species. Should be different from the labels for any other magnetic species you make.
strucIdxs : python list
list of integers giving indices of magnetic atoms in the unit cell
atoms : numpy array
list of atomic coordinates of all the magnetic atoms in the structure; e.g. generated by generateAtomsXYZ()
spins : numpy array
triplets giving the spin vectors of all the atoms, in the same order as the atoms array provided as input.
basisvecs : numpy array
nested three-vector(s) giving the basis vectors to generate the spins. e.g. np.array([[0, 0, 1]]). Any phase factor should be included directly with the basisvecs.
kvecs : numpy array
nested three-vector(s) giving the propagation vectors for the magnetic structure in r.l.u., e.g. np.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
gS : float
spin component of the Lande g-factor (g = gS+gL). Calculated automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
gL : float
orbital component of the Lande g-factor. Calculated automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
g : float
Lande g-factor. Calculated automatically as gS+gL if not specified.
j2type : string
Specifies the way the j2 integral is included in the magnetic form factor. Must be either 'RE' for rare earth or 'TM' for transition metal. If 'RE', the coefficient on the j2 integral is gL/g; if 'TM', the coefficient is (g-2)/g. Default is 'RE'. Note that for the default values of S, L, and J, we will have gS=2, gL=0, and g=2, and there will be no difference in the form factor calculation for 'RE' or 'TM'.
ffparamkey : string
gives the appropriate key for getFFparams()
ffqgrid : numpy array
grid of momentum transfer values used for calculating the magnetic form factor.
ff : numpy array
magnetic form factor.
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def makeSpecies(self, label, strucIdxs=None, atoms=None, spins=None,
                basisvecs=None, kvecs=None, S=0.5, L=0.0, J=None, gS=None,
                gL=None, g=None, j2type=None, ffparamkey=None,ffqgrid=None,
                ff=None, occ=None):
    """Create a MagSpecies object and add it to the species dictionary.

        label (string): label for this particular magnetic species. Should be
            different from the labels for any other magnetic species you make.
        strucIdxs (python list): list of integers giving indices of magnetic
            atoms in the unit cell
        atoms (numpy array): list of atomic coordinates of all the magnetic
            atoms in the structure; e.g. generated by generateAtomsXYZ()
        spins (numpy array): triplets giving the spin vectors of all the
            atoms, in the same order as the atoms array provided as input.
        basisvecs (numpy array): nested three-vector(s) giving the basis
            vectors to generate the spins. e.g. np.array([[0, 0, 1]]). Any
            phase factor should be included directly with the basisvecs.
        kvecs (numpy array): nested three-vector(s) giving the propagation
            vectors for the magnetic structure in r.l.u.,
            e.g. np.array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5]])
        gS (float): spin component of the Lande g-factor (g = gS+gL).
            Calculated automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
        gL (float): orbital component of the Lande g-factor. Calculated
            automatically from S, L, and J if not specified.
        g (float): Lande g-factor. Calculated automatically as gS+gL if not
        j2type (string): Specifies the way the j2 integral is included in the
            magnetic form factor. Must be either 'RE' for rare earth or 'TM' for
            transition metal. If 'RE', the coefficient on the j2 integral is
            gL/g; if 'TM', the coefficient is (g-2)/g. Default is 'RE'. Note
            that for the default values of S, L, and J, we will have gS=2,
            gL=0, and g=2, and there will be no difference in the form factor
            calculation for 'RE' or 'TM'.
        ffparamkey (string): gives the appropriate key for getFFparams()
        ffqgrid (numpy array): grid of momentum transfer values used for
            calculating the magnetic form factor.
        ff (numpy array): magnetic form factor.

    # check that the label is not a duplicate with any other mag species.
    duplicate = False
    for name in list(self.species.keys()):
        if name == label:
            duplicate = True
    if not duplicate:
        if ffqgrid is None:
            ffqgrid = np.arange(0, 10.0, 0.01)
        self.species[label] = MagSpecies(self.struc, label, strucIdxs, atoms, spins,
                                         self.rmaxAtoms, basisvecs, kvecs, S, L,
                                         J, gS, gL, g, j2type, ffparamkey, ffqgrid, ff,
                                         self.verbose, occ)
        # update the list of fractions
        totatoms = 0.0
        for key in self.species:
            totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
        for key in self.species:
            if totatoms == 0.0:
                totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
            frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
            self.fractions[key] = frac
        print('This label has already been assigned to another species in')
        print('the structure. Please choose a new label.')
def makeSpins(self)

Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the spin vectors in the structure. Calls the makeSpins() method for each MagSpecies in the species dictionary and concatenates them together.

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def makeSpins(self):
    """Generate the Cartesian coordinates of the spin vectors in the
           structure. Calls the makeSpins() method for each MagSpecies in
           the species dictionary and concatenates them together.
    temp = np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
    for key in self.species:
        temp = np.concatenate((temp, self.species[key].spins))
    self.spins = temp[1:]
def removeSpecies(self, label, update=True)

Remove a magnetic species from the species dictionary.


label : string
key for the dictionary entry to be removed.
update : boolean
if True, the MagStructure will update its atoms and spins with the removed species now excluded.
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def removeSpecies(self, label, update=True):
    """Remove a magnetic species from the species dictionary.

        label (string): key for the dictionary entry to be removed.
        update (boolean): if True, the MagStructure will update its atoms
            and spins with the removed species now excluded.
        del self.species[label]
        if update:
            # update the list of fractions
            totatoms = 0.0
            for key in self.species:
                totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
            for key in self.species:                
                if totatoms == 0.0:
                    totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
                frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
                self.fractions[key] = frac
        print('Species cannot be deleted. Check that you are using the')
        print('correct species label.')
def runChecks(self, doCalcIdxsCheck=False)

Run some simple checks and raise a warning if a problem is found.

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def runChecks(self, doCalcIdxsCheck=False):
    """Run some simple checks and raise a warning if a problem is found.
    # do the MagSpecies checks
    for key in self.species:

    if self.verbose:        
        print(('Running checks for '+self.label+' MagStructure object...\n'))

    flag = False
    flagCount = 0

    # check for duplication among magnetic species
    if len(self.species) > 0:        
        if list(self.species.values())[0].useDiffpyStruc:
            idxs = []
            for key in self.species:
            idxs = [item for sublist in idxs for item in sublist] # flatten the list
            for idx in idxs:
                if idxs.count(idx) > 1:
                    flag = True
            if flag:
                flagCount += 1
                if self.verbose:
                    print('Warning: Magnetic species may have overlapping atoms.')
                    print('Check the strucIdxs lists for your magnetic species.')
                flag = False

    # check that the fractions are consistent
    totatoms = 0.0
    for key in self.species:
        totatoms += self.species[key].atoms.shape[0]
    for key in self.species:
        if totatoms == 0.0:
            totatoms = 1.0 # prevent divide by zero problems
        frac = float(self.species[key].atoms.shape[0])/totatoms
        if (frac > 0) and (np.abs(frac - self.fractions[key])/frac > 0.1):
            flag = True
    if flag:
        flagCount += 1
        if self.verbose:
            print('Species fractions do not correspond to actual number of')
            print('spins of each species in the structure.')
    flag = False

    ### check if calcIdxs may not be representative of all MagSpecies.
    if doCalcIdxsCheck: # option to turn off this check e.g. when loading a MagSpecies
        if len(self.calcIdxs) < len(self.species):
            flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            print('Warning: your calcIdxs may not be representative of all')
            print('the magnetic species. calcIdxs should have the index of')
            print('at least one spin from each species. Use')
            print('magStruc.getSpeciesIdxs() to see starting indices for')
            print('each species.\n')
        flag = False

    ### check if calcIdxs has indices that exceed the spin array
    if self.atoms.shape[0]>0:
        if (np.array(self.calcIdxs).max()+1) > self.atoms.shape[0]:
            flag = True
    if flag:
        flagCount += 1
        print('calcIdxs contains indices that are too large for the')
        print('arrays of atoms and spins contained in the MagStructure.')
    flag = False

    # summarize results
    if flagCount == 0:
        if self.verbose:
            print('All MagStructure checks passed. No obvious problems found.')
def spinsFromAtoms(self, positions, fractional=True, returnIdxs=False)

Return the spin vectors corresponding to specified atomic positions.

This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.spinsFromAtoms() method.


MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
positions : list or array
atomic positions for which the corresponding spins should be returned.
fractional : boolean
set as True if the atomic positions are in fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice vectors.
returnIdxs : boolean
if True, the indices of the spins will also be returned.


Array consisting of the spins corresponding to the atomic positions.

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def spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional=True,returnIdxs=False):
    """Return the spin vectors corresponding to specified atomic

    This method calls the diffpy.mpdf.spinsFromAtoms() method. 

        magstruc: MagSpecies or MagStructure object containing atoms and spins
        positions (list or array): atomic positions for which the
            corresponding spins should be returned.
        fractional (boolean): set as True if the atomic positions are in
            fractional coordinates of the crystallographic lattice
        returnIdxs (boolean): if True, the indices of the spins will also be
        Array consisting of the spins corresponding to the atomic positions.
    return spinsFromAtoms(self,positions,fractional,returnIdxs)
def visualize(self, atoms, spins, showcrystalaxes=False, axesorigin=array([0, 0, 0]))

Generate a crude 3-d plot to visualize the selected spins.


atoms : numpy array
array of atomic positions of spins to be visualized.
spins : numpy array
array of spin vectors in same order as atoms.
showcrystalaxes : boolean
if True, will display the crystal axes determined from the first magnetic species in the MagStructure
axesorigin : array
position at which the crystal axes should be displayed
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def visualize(self,atoms,spins,showcrystalaxes=False,
    """Generate a crude 3-d plot to visualize the selected spins.

        atoms (numpy array): array of atomic positions of spins to be
        spins (numpy array): array of spin vectors in same order as atoms.
        showcrystalaxes (boolean): if True, will display the crystal axes
            determined from the first magnetic species in the MagStructure
        axesorigin (array): position at which the crystal axes should be
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt        
    from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d

    fig = visualizeSpins(atoms,spins)
    if showcrystalaxes:
        ax3d = fig.axes[0]
            if mspec.useDiffpyStruc:
                a, b, c = lat.stdbase
                a, b, c = mspec.latVecs
            xo, yo, zo = axesorigin
            ax3d.quiver(xo, yo, zo, a[0], a[1], a[2], pivot='tail', color='r')
            ax3d.quiver(xo, yo, zo, b[0], b[1], b[2], pivot='tail', color='g')
            ax3d.quiver(xo, yo, zo, c[0], c[1], c[2], pivot='tail', color='b')
            print('Please make sure your magnetic structure contains a')
            print('magnetic species with MagSpecies.struc set to a diffpy')
            print('structure or MagSpecies.latVecs provided and')
            print('MagSpecies.useDiffpyStruc set to False.')