Module diffpy.mpdf.mpdfcalculator

class to perform mPDF calculations

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#!/usr/bin/env python
# diffpy.mpdf         by Frandsen Group
#                     Benjamin A. Frandsen
#                     (c) 2022 Benjamin Allen Frandsen
#                      All rights reserved
# File coded by:    Benjamin Frandsen
# See AUTHORS.txt for a list of people who contributed.
# See LICENSE.txt for license information.

"""class to perform mPDF calculations"""

import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import convolve, fftconvolve
from diffpy.mpdf.magutils import calculatemPDF, calculateDr, estimate_effective_xi

class MPDFcalculator:
    """Create an MPDFcalculator object to help calculate mPDF functions.

    This class is loosely modelled after the PDFcalculator class in diffpy.
    At minimum, it requires a magnetic structure with atoms and spins, and
    it calculates the mPDF from that. Various other options can be specified
    for the calculated mPDF.

        magstruc (MagStructure object): provides information about the
            magnetic structure. Must have arrays of atoms and spins.
        extendedrmin (float): extension of the r-grid on which the mPDF is
            calculated to properly account for contribution of pairs just
            before the boundary. 4 A by default.
        extendedrmax (float): extension of the r-grid on which the mPDF is
            calculated to properly account for contribution of pairs just
            outside the boundary. 4 A by default.
        qdamp (float): usual PDF qdamp parameter. Turned off if set to zero.
        qmin (float): minimum experimentally accessible q-value (to be used
            for simulating termination ripples). If <0, no termination effects
            are included.
        qmax (float): maximum experimentally accessible q-value (to be used
            for simulating termination ripples). If <0, no termination effects
            are included.
        rmin (float): minimum value of r for which mPDF should be calculated.
        rmax (float): maximum value of r for which mPDF should be calculated.
        rstep (float): step size for r-grid of calculated mPDF.
        ordScale (float): overall scale factor for the mPDF function f(r).
        paraScale (float): scale factor for the paramagnetic part of the
            unnormalized mPDF function D(r).
        rmintr (float): minimum value of r for the Fourier transform of the
            magnetic form factor required for unnormalized mPDF.
        rmaxtr (float): maximum value of r for the Fourier transform of the
            magnetic form factor required for unnormalized mPDF.
        drtr (float): step size for r-grid used for calculating Fourier
            transform of magnetic form mactor.
        label (string): Optional descriptive string for the MPDFcalculator.
        qwindow (numpy array): Q-space window function applied to the data
            prior to Fourier transformation. Not used by default.
        qgrid (numpy array): Q-space grid on which the window function is
    def __init__(self, magstruc=None, extendedrmax=4.0,
                 extendedrmin=4.0, qdamp=0.0, qmin=0.0,
                 qmax=-1.0, rmin=0.0, rmax=20.0, rstep=0.01,
                 ordScale=1.0, paraScale=1.0, rmintr=-5.0,
                 rmaxtr=5.0, label='', qwindow=None, qgrid=None):
        if magstruc is None:
            self.magstruc = []
            self.magstruc = magstruc
            if magstruc.rmaxAtoms < rmax:
                print('Warning: Your structure may not be big enough for your')
                print('desired calculation range.')
        self.extendedrmin = extendedrmin
        self.extendedrmax = extendedrmax
        self.qdamp = qdamp
        self.qmin = qmin
        self.qmax = qmax
        self.rmin = rmin
        self.rmax = rmax
        self.rstep = rstep
        self.ordScale = ordScale
        self.paraScale = paraScale
        self.rmintr = rmintr
        self.rmaxtr = rmaxtr
        self.label = label
        if qwindow is None:
            self.qwindow = np.array([0])
            self.qwindow = qwindow
        if qgrid is None:
            self.qgrid = np.array([0])
            self.qgrid = qgrid

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.label == '':
            return 'MPDFcalculator() object'
            return self.label+': MPDFcalculator() object'

    def calc(self, normalized=True, both=False, correlationMethod='simple',
        """Calculate the magnetic PDF.

            normalized (boolean): indicates whether or not the normalized mPDF
                should be returned.
            both (boolean): indicates whether or not both normalized and
                unnormalized mPDF quantities should be returned.
            correlationMethod (string): determines how the calculation should
                be done if the correlation length is finite. Options are:
                'simple'; exponential envelope is applied to the mPDF
                'full'; actual spin magnitudes are adjusted according to the
                        correlation length; more accurate (especially for very
                        short correlation lengths) but slower (especially if
                        rmax is beyond ~30 A)
                'auto'; simple method is chosen if xi <= 5 A, full otherwise
                Note that any other option will be converted to 'simple'
            linearTermMethod (string): determines how the calculation will
                handle the linear term present for magnetic structures with a net
                magnetization. Options are:
                'exact'; slope will be calculated from the values of
                    MagStructure.rho0 and MagStructure.netMag, damping set by
                'autoslope': slope will be determined by least-squares
                    minimization of the calculated mPDF, thereby ensuring that
                    the mPDF oscillates around zero, as it is supposed to.
                    Damping set by MagStructure.corrLength.
                'fullauto': slope and damping set by least-squares minimization.
                    This should only be used in the case of an anisotropic
                    correlation length.
                Note that any other option will be converted to 'exact'.
        Returns: numpy array giving the r grid of the calculation, as well as
            one or both of the mPDF quantities.
        peakWidth = np.sqrt(self.magstruc.Uiso)
        if correlationMethod not in ['simple', 'full', 'auto']:
            correlationMethod = 'simple'  # convert non-standard inputs to simple
        if linearTermMethod not in ['exact', 'autoslope', 'fullauto']:
            linearTermMethod = 'exact'  # convert non-standard inputs to simple
        dampingMat = self.magstruc.dampingMat
        xi = self.magstruc.corrLength
        if correlationMethod == 'auto':  # convert to full or simple
            if xi <= 5.0:
                correlationMethod = 'full'
                correlationMethod = 'simple'

        if type(dampingMat) == np.ndarray and correlationMethod != 'full':
            print("Warning: correlationMethod should be set to 'full' when using")
            print("the damping matrix instead of a scalar correlation length.")
        if type(dampingMat) != np.ndarray and linearTermMethod == 'fullauto':
            print("Warning: 'fullauto' should only be used with an anisotropic")
            print("correlation length as encoded in the damping matrix.")
        if (xi==0) and (type(dampingMat) != np.ndarray):
            calcIdxs = self.magstruc.calcIdxs
            rcalc, frcalc = calculatemPDF(self.magstruc.atoms, self.magstruc.spins,
                                          self.magstruc.gfactors, calcIdxs,
                                          self.rstep, self.rmin, self.rmax,
                                          peakWidth, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                          self.qdamp, self.extendedrmin,
                                          self.extendedrmax, self.ordScale,
                                          self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.rho0,
                                          self.magstruc.netMag, xi,
                                          linearTermMethod, False, self.qwindow,
        elif correlationMethod == 'full':  # change magnitudes of the spins
            originalSpins = 1.0*self.magstruc.spins
            for i, currentIdx in enumerate(self.magstruc.calcIdxs):
                self.magstruc.spins = self.magstruc.generateScaledSpins(currentIdx)
                rcalc, frtemp = calculatemPDF(self.magstruc.atoms, self.magstruc.spins,
                                              self.magstruc.gfactors, [currentIdx],
                                              self.rstep, self.rmin, self.rmax,
                                              peakWidth, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                              self.qdamp, self.extendedrmin,
                                              self.extendedrmax, self.ordScale,
                                              self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.rho0,
                                              self.magstruc.netMag, xi,
                                              linearTermMethod, False, self.qwindow,
                if i==0:
                    frcalc = 1.0*frtemp
                    frcalc += frtemp
                self.magstruc.spins = 1.0*originalSpins
            frcalc /= len(self.magstruc.calcIdxs)
        else:  # simple method: apply exponential envelope
            calcIdxs = self.magstruc.calcIdxs
            rcalc, frcalc = calculatemPDF(self.magstruc.atoms, self.magstruc.spins,
                                          self.magstruc.gfactors, calcIdxs,
                                          self.rstep, self.rmin, self.rmax,
                                          peakWidth, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                          self.qdamp, self.extendedrmin,
                                          self.extendedrmax, self.ordScale,
                                          self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.rho0,
                                          self.magstruc.netMag, xi,
                                          linearTermMethod, True, self.qwindow,
        # create a mask to put the calculation on the desired grid
        mask = np.logical_and(rcalc > self.rmin - 0.5*self.rstep,
                              rcalc < self.rmax + 0.5*self.rstep)
        if normalized and not both:
            return rcalc[mask], frcalc[mask]
        elif not normalized and not both:
            Drcalc = calculateDr(rcalc, frcalc, self.magstruc.ffqgrid,
                                 self.magstruc.ff, self.paraScale, self.rmintr,
                                 self.rmaxtr, self.rstep, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                 self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.K2)
            return rcalc[mask], Drcalc[mask]
            Drcalc = calculateDr(rcalc, frcalc, self.magstruc.ffqgrid,
                                 self.magstruc.ff, self.paraScale, self.rmintr,
                                 self.rmaxtr, self.rstep, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                 self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.K2)
            return rcalc[mask], frcalc[mask], Drcalc[mask]

    def plot(self, normalized=True, both=False, scaled=True,
             correlationMethod='simple', linearTermMethod='exact'):
        """Plot the magnetic PDF.

            normalized (boolean): indicates whether or not the normalized mPDF
                should be plotted.
            both (boolean): indicates whether or not both normalized and
                unnormalized mPDF quantities should be plotted.
            correlationMethod (string): determines how the calculation should
                be done if the correlation length is finite. Options are:
                'simple'; exponential envelope is applied to the mPDF
                'full'; actual spin magnitudes are adjusted according to the
                        correlation length; more accurate (especially for very
                        short correlation lengths) but slower (especially if
                        rmax is beyond ~30 A)
                'auto'; simple method is chosen if xi <= 5 A, full otherwise
                Note that any other option will be converted to 'simple'
            linearTermMethod (string): determines how the calculation will
                handle the linear term present for magnetic structures with a net
                magnetization. Options are:
                'exact'; slope will be calculated from the values of
                    MagStructure.rho0 and MagStructure.netMag, damping set by
                'autoslope': slope will be determined by least-squares
                    minimization of the calculated mPDF, thereby ensuring that
                    the mPDF oscillates around zero, as it is supposed to.
                    Damping set by MagStructure.corrLength.
                'fullauto': slope and damping set by least-squares minimization.
                    This should only be used in the case of an anisotropic
                    correlation length.
                Note that any other option will be converted to 'exact'.
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.set_xlabel(r'r ($\mathdefault{\AA}$)')
        ax.set_xlim(xmin=self.rmin, xmax=self.rmax)
        if normalized and not both:
            rcalc, frcalc = self.calc(normalized, both, correlationMethod, linearTermMethod)
            ax.plot(rcalc, frcalc) 
            ax.set_ylabel(r'f ($\mathdefault{\AA^{-2}}$)')
        elif not normalized and not both:
            rcalc, Drcalc = self.calc(normalized, both, correlationMethod, linearTermMethod)
            ax.plot(rcalc, Drcalc)
            ax.set_ylabel(r'd ($\mathdefault{\AA^{-2}}$)')
            rcalc, frcalc, Drcalc = self.calc(normalized, both, correlationMethod, linearTermMethod)
            if scaled:
                frscl = np.max(np.abs(frcalc))
                drscl = np.max(np.abs(Drcalc[rcalc>1.5]))
                scl = frscl / drscl
                scl = 1.0
            ax.plot(rcalc, frcalc, 'b-', label='f(r)')
            ax.plot(rcalc, scl * Drcalc, 'r-', label='d(r)')
            ax.set_ylabel(r'f, d ($\mathdefault{\AA^{-2}}$)')

    def runChecks(self):
        """Run some quick checks to help with troubleshooting.
        print('Running checks on MPDFcalculator...\n')

        flagCount = 0
        flag = False

        ### check if number of spins and atoms do not match
        if self.magstruc.atoms.shape[0] != self.magstruc.spins.shape[0]:
            flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            print('Number of atoms and spins do not match; try calling')
            print('makeAtoms() and makeSpins() again on your MagStructure.\n')
        flag = False

        ### check for nan values in spin array
        if np.any(np.isnan(self.magstruc.spins)):
            flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            print('Spin array contains nan values ("not a number").\n')
        flag = False

        ### check if rmax is too big for rmaxAtoms in structure
        for key in self.magstruc.species:
            if self.magstruc.species[key].rmaxAtoms < self.rmax:
                flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            print('Warning: the atoms in your MagStructure may not fill a')
            print('volume large enough for the desired rmax for the mPDF')
            print('calculation. Adjust rmax and/or rmaxAtoms in the')
            print('MagSpecies or MagStructure objects.\n')
        flag = False

        ### check for unphysical parameters like negative scale factors
        if np.min((self.paraScale, self.ordScale)) < 0:
            flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            print('Warning: you have a negative scale factor.')
            print(('Paramagnetic scale = ', self.paraScale))
            print(('Ordered scale = ', self.ordScale))
        flag = False

        if flagCount == 0:
            print('All checks passed. No obvious problems found.\n')

    def rgrid(self):
        """Return the current r grid of the mPDF calculator."""
        r = np.arange(0,self.rmax+10,self.rstep)        
        mask = np.logical_and(r > self.rmin - 0.5*self.rstep,
                              r < self.rmax + 0.5*self.rstep)
        return r[mask]

    def copy(self):
        """Return a deep copy of the MPDFcalculator object."""
        return copy.deepcopy(self)


class MPDFcalculator (magstruc=None, extendedrmax=4.0, extendedrmin=4.0, qdamp=0.0, qmin=0.0, qmax=-1.0, rmin=0.0, rmax=20.0, rstep=0.01, ordScale=1.0, paraScale=1.0, rmintr=-5.0, rmaxtr=5.0, label='', qwindow=None, qgrid=None)

Create an MPDFcalculator object to help calculate mPDF functions.

This class is loosely modelled after the PDFcalculator class in diffpy. At minimum, it requires a magnetic structure with atoms and spins, and it calculates the mPDF from that. Various other options can be specified for the calculated mPDF.


magstruc : MagStructure object
provides information about the magnetic structure. Must have arrays of atoms and spins.
extendedrmin : float
extension of the r-grid on which the mPDF is calculated to properly account for contribution of pairs just before the boundary. 4 A by default.
extendedrmax : float
extension of the r-grid on which the mPDF is calculated to properly account for contribution of pairs just outside the boundary. 4 A by default.
qdamp : float
usual PDF qdamp parameter. Turned off if set to zero.
qmin : float
minimum experimentally accessible q-value (to be used for simulating termination ripples). If <0, no termination effects are included.
qmax : float
maximum experimentally accessible q-value (to be used for simulating termination ripples). If <0, no termination effects are included.
rmin : float
minimum value of r for which mPDF should be calculated.
rmax : float
maximum value of r for which mPDF should be calculated.
rstep : float
step size for r-grid of calculated mPDF.
ordScale : float
overall scale factor for the mPDF function f(r).
paraScale : float
scale factor for the paramagnetic part of the unnormalized mPDF function D(r).
rmintr : float
minimum value of r for the Fourier transform of the magnetic form factor required for unnormalized mPDF.
rmaxtr : float
maximum value of r for the Fourier transform of the magnetic form factor required for unnormalized mPDF.
drtr : float
step size for r-grid used for calculating Fourier transform of magnetic form mactor.
label : string
Optional descriptive string for the MPDFcalculator.
qwindow : numpy array
Q-space window function applied to the data prior to Fourier transformation. Not used by default.
qgrid : numpy array
Q-space grid on which the window function is defined.
Expand source code
class MPDFcalculator:
    """Create an MPDFcalculator object to help calculate mPDF functions.

    This class is loosely modelled after the PDFcalculator class in diffpy.
    At minimum, it requires a magnetic structure with atoms and spins, and
    it calculates the mPDF from that. Various other options can be specified
    for the calculated mPDF.

        magstruc (MagStructure object): provides information about the
            magnetic structure. Must have arrays of atoms and spins.
        extendedrmin (float): extension of the r-grid on which the mPDF is
            calculated to properly account for contribution of pairs just
            before the boundary. 4 A by default.
        extendedrmax (float): extension of the r-grid on which the mPDF is
            calculated to properly account for contribution of pairs just
            outside the boundary. 4 A by default.
        qdamp (float): usual PDF qdamp parameter. Turned off if set to zero.
        qmin (float): minimum experimentally accessible q-value (to be used
            for simulating termination ripples). If <0, no termination effects
            are included.
        qmax (float): maximum experimentally accessible q-value (to be used
            for simulating termination ripples). If <0, no termination effects
            are included.
        rmin (float): minimum value of r for which mPDF should be calculated.
        rmax (float): maximum value of r for which mPDF should be calculated.
        rstep (float): step size for r-grid of calculated mPDF.
        ordScale (float): overall scale factor for the mPDF function f(r).
        paraScale (float): scale factor for the paramagnetic part of the
            unnormalized mPDF function D(r).
        rmintr (float): minimum value of r for the Fourier transform of the
            magnetic form factor required for unnormalized mPDF.
        rmaxtr (float): maximum value of r for the Fourier transform of the
            magnetic form factor required for unnormalized mPDF.
        drtr (float): step size for r-grid used for calculating Fourier
            transform of magnetic form mactor.
        label (string): Optional descriptive string for the MPDFcalculator.
        qwindow (numpy array): Q-space window function applied to the data
            prior to Fourier transformation. Not used by default.
        qgrid (numpy array): Q-space grid on which the window function is
    def __init__(self, magstruc=None, extendedrmax=4.0,
                 extendedrmin=4.0, qdamp=0.0, qmin=0.0,
                 qmax=-1.0, rmin=0.0, rmax=20.0, rstep=0.01,
                 ordScale=1.0, paraScale=1.0, rmintr=-5.0,
                 rmaxtr=5.0, label='', qwindow=None, qgrid=None):
        if magstruc is None:
            self.magstruc = []
            self.magstruc = magstruc
            if magstruc.rmaxAtoms < rmax:
                print('Warning: Your structure may not be big enough for your')
                print('desired calculation range.')
        self.extendedrmin = extendedrmin
        self.extendedrmax = extendedrmax
        self.qdamp = qdamp
        self.qmin = qmin
        self.qmax = qmax
        self.rmin = rmin
        self.rmax = rmax
        self.rstep = rstep
        self.ordScale = ordScale
        self.paraScale = paraScale
        self.rmintr = rmintr
        self.rmaxtr = rmaxtr
        self.label = label
        if qwindow is None:
            self.qwindow = np.array([0])
            self.qwindow = qwindow
        if qgrid is None:
            self.qgrid = np.array([0])
            self.qgrid = qgrid

    def __repr__(self):
        if self.label == '':
            return 'MPDFcalculator() object'
            return self.label+': MPDFcalculator() object'

    def calc(self, normalized=True, both=False, correlationMethod='simple',
        """Calculate the magnetic PDF.

            normalized (boolean): indicates whether or not the normalized mPDF
                should be returned.
            both (boolean): indicates whether or not both normalized and
                unnormalized mPDF quantities should be returned.
            correlationMethod (string): determines how the calculation should
                be done if the correlation length is finite. Options are:
                'simple'; exponential envelope is applied to the mPDF
                'full'; actual spin magnitudes are adjusted according to the
                        correlation length; more accurate (especially for very
                        short correlation lengths) but slower (especially if
                        rmax is beyond ~30 A)
                'auto'; simple method is chosen if xi <= 5 A, full otherwise
                Note that any other option will be converted to 'simple'
            linearTermMethod (string): determines how the calculation will
                handle the linear term present for magnetic structures with a net
                magnetization. Options are:
                'exact'; slope will be calculated from the values of
                    MagStructure.rho0 and MagStructure.netMag, damping set by
                'autoslope': slope will be determined by least-squares
                    minimization of the calculated mPDF, thereby ensuring that
                    the mPDF oscillates around zero, as it is supposed to.
                    Damping set by MagStructure.corrLength.
                'fullauto': slope and damping set by least-squares minimization.
                    This should only be used in the case of an anisotropic
                    correlation length.
                Note that any other option will be converted to 'exact'.
        Returns: numpy array giving the r grid of the calculation, as well as
            one or both of the mPDF quantities.
        peakWidth = np.sqrt(self.magstruc.Uiso)
        if correlationMethod not in ['simple', 'full', 'auto']:
            correlationMethod = 'simple'  # convert non-standard inputs to simple
        if linearTermMethod not in ['exact', 'autoslope', 'fullauto']:
            linearTermMethod = 'exact'  # convert non-standard inputs to simple
        dampingMat = self.magstruc.dampingMat
        xi = self.magstruc.corrLength
        if correlationMethod == 'auto':  # convert to full or simple
            if xi <= 5.0:
                correlationMethod = 'full'
                correlationMethod = 'simple'

        if type(dampingMat) == np.ndarray and correlationMethod != 'full':
            print("Warning: correlationMethod should be set to 'full' when using")
            print("the damping matrix instead of a scalar correlation length.")
        if type(dampingMat) != np.ndarray and linearTermMethod == 'fullauto':
            print("Warning: 'fullauto' should only be used with an anisotropic")
            print("correlation length as encoded in the damping matrix.")
        if (xi==0) and (type(dampingMat) != np.ndarray):
            calcIdxs = self.magstruc.calcIdxs
            rcalc, frcalc = calculatemPDF(self.magstruc.atoms, self.magstruc.spins,
                                          self.magstruc.gfactors, calcIdxs,
                                          self.rstep, self.rmin, self.rmax,
                                          peakWidth, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                          self.qdamp, self.extendedrmin,
                                          self.extendedrmax, self.ordScale,
                                          self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.rho0,
                                          self.magstruc.netMag, xi,
                                          linearTermMethod, False, self.qwindow,
        elif correlationMethod == 'full':  # change magnitudes of the spins
            originalSpins = 1.0*self.magstruc.spins
            for i, currentIdx in enumerate(self.magstruc.calcIdxs):
                self.magstruc.spins = self.magstruc.generateScaledSpins(currentIdx)
                rcalc, frtemp = calculatemPDF(self.magstruc.atoms, self.magstruc.spins,
                                              self.magstruc.gfactors, [currentIdx],
                                              self.rstep, self.rmin, self.rmax,
                                              peakWidth, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                              self.qdamp, self.extendedrmin,
                                              self.extendedrmax, self.ordScale,
                                              self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.rho0,
                                              self.magstruc.netMag, xi,
                                              linearTermMethod, False, self.qwindow,
                if i==0:
                    frcalc = 1.0*frtemp
                    frcalc += frtemp
                self.magstruc.spins = 1.0*originalSpins
            frcalc /= len(self.magstruc.calcIdxs)
        else:  # simple method: apply exponential envelope
            calcIdxs = self.magstruc.calcIdxs
            rcalc, frcalc = calculatemPDF(self.magstruc.atoms, self.magstruc.spins,
                                          self.magstruc.gfactors, calcIdxs,
                                          self.rstep, self.rmin, self.rmax,
                                          peakWidth, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                          self.qdamp, self.extendedrmin,
                                          self.extendedrmax, self.ordScale,
                                          self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.rho0,
                                          self.magstruc.netMag, xi,
                                          linearTermMethod, True, self.qwindow,
        # create a mask to put the calculation on the desired grid
        mask = np.logical_and(rcalc > self.rmin - 0.5*self.rstep,
                              rcalc < self.rmax + 0.5*self.rstep)
        if normalized and not both:
            return rcalc[mask], frcalc[mask]
        elif not normalized and not both:
            Drcalc = calculateDr(rcalc, frcalc, self.magstruc.ffqgrid,
                                 self.magstruc.ff, self.paraScale, self.rmintr,
                                 self.rmaxtr, self.rstep, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                 self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.K2)
            return rcalc[mask], Drcalc[mask]
            Drcalc = calculateDr(rcalc, frcalc, self.magstruc.ffqgrid,
                                 self.magstruc.ff, self.paraScale, self.rmintr,
                                 self.rmaxtr, self.rstep, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                 self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.K2)
            return rcalc[mask], frcalc[mask], Drcalc[mask]

    def plot(self, normalized=True, both=False, scaled=True,
             correlationMethod='simple', linearTermMethod='exact'):
        """Plot the magnetic PDF.

            normalized (boolean): indicates whether or not the normalized mPDF
                should be plotted.
            both (boolean): indicates whether or not both normalized and
                unnormalized mPDF quantities should be plotted.
            correlationMethod (string): determines how the calculation should
                be done if the correlation length is finite. Options are:
                'simple'; exponential envelope is applied to the mPDF
                'full'; actual spin magnitudes are adjusted according to the
                        correlation length; more accurate (especially for very
                        short correlation lengths) but slower (especially if
                        rmax is beyond ~30 A)
                'auto'; simple method is chosen if xi <= 5 A, full otherwise
                Note that any other option will be converted to 'simple'
            linearTermMethod (string): determines how the calculation will
                handle the linear term present for magnetic structures with a net
                magnetization. Options are:
                'exact'; slope will be calculated from the values of
                    MagStructure.rho0 and MagStructure.netMag, damping set by
                'autoslope': slope will be determined by least-squares
                    minimization of the calculated mPDF, thereby ensuring that
                    the mPDF oscillates around zero, as it is supposed to.
                    Damping set by MagStructure.corrLength.
                'fullauto': slope and damping set by least-squares minimization.
                    This should only be used in the case of an anisotropic
                    correlation length.
                Note that any other option will be converted to 'exact'.
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.set_xlabel(r'r ($\mathdefault{\AA}$)')
        ax.set_xlim(xmin=self.rmin, xmax=self.rmax)
        if normalized and not both:
            rcalc, frcalc = self.calc(normalized, both, correlationMethod, linearTermMethod)
            ax.plot(rcalc, frcalc) 
            ax.set_ylabel(r'f ($\mathdefault{\AA^{-2}}$)')
        elif not normalized and not both:
            rcalc, Drcalc = self.calc(normalized, both, correlationMethod, linearTermMethod)
            ax.plot(rcalc, Drcalc)
            ax.set_ylabel(r'd ($\mathdefault{\AA^{-2}}$)')
            rcalc, frcalc, Drcalc = self.calc(normalized, both, correlationMethod, linearTermMethod)
            if scaled:
                frscl = np.max(np.abs(frcalc))
                drscl = np.max(np.abs(Drcalc[rcalc>1.5]))
                scl = frscl / drscl
                scl = 1.0
            ax.plot(rcalc, frcalc, 'b-', label='f(r)')
            ax.plot(rcalc, scl * Drcalc, 'r-', label='d(r)')
            ax.set_ylabel(r'f, d ($\mathdefault{\AA^{-2}}$)')

    def runChecks(self):
        """Run some quick checks to help with troubleshooting.
        print('Running checks on MPDFcalculator...\n')

        flagCount = 0
        flag = False

        ### check if number of spins and atoms do not match
        if self.magstruc.atoms.shape[0] != self.magstruc.spins.shape[0]:
            flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            print('Number of atoms and spins do not match; try calling')
            print('makeAtoms() and makeSpins() again on your MagStructure.\n')
        flag = False

        ### check for nan values in spin array
        if np.any(np.isnan(self.magstruc.spins)):
            flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            print('Spin array contains nan values ("not a number").\n')
        flag = False

        ### check if rmax is too big for rmaxAtoms in structure
        for key in self.magstruc.species:
            if self.magstruc.species[key].rmaxAtoms < self.rmax:
                flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            print('Warning: the atoms in your MagStructure may not fill a')
            print('volume large enough for the desired rmax for the mPDF')
            print('calculation. Adjust rmax and/or rmaxAtoms in the')
            print('MagSpecies or MagStructure objects.\n')
        flag = False

        ### check for unphysical parameters like negative scale factors
        if np.min((self.paraScale, self.ordScale)) < 0:
            flag = True
        if flag:
            flagCount += 1
            print('Warning: you have a negative scale factor.')
            print(('Paramagnetic scale = ', self.paraScale))
            print(('Ordered scale = ', self.ordScale))
        flag = False

        if flagCount == 0:
            print('All checks passed. No obvious problems found.\n')

    def rgrid(self):
        """Return the current r grid of the mPDF calculator."""
        r = np.arange(0,self.rmax+10,self.rstep)        
        mask = np.logical_and(r > self.rmin - 0.5*self.rstep,
                              r < self.rmax + 0.5*self.rstep)
        return r[mask]

    def copy(self):
        """Return a deep copy of the MPDFcalculator object."""
        return copy.deepcopy(self)


def calc(self, normalized=True, both=False, correlationMethod='simple', linearTermMethod='exact')

Calculate the magnetic PDF.


normalized : boolean
indicates whether or not the normalized mPDF should be returned.
both : boolean
indicates whether or not both normalized and unnormalized mPDF quantities should be returned.
correlationMethod : string
determines how the calculation should be done if the correlation length is finite. Options are: 'simple'; exponential envelope is applied to the mPDF 'full'; actual spin magnitudes are adjusted according to the correlation length; more accurate (especially for very short correlation lengths) but slower (especially if rmax is beyond ~30 A) 'auto'; simple method is chosen if xi <= 5 A, full otherwise Note that any other option will be converted to 'simple'
linearTermMethod : string
determines how the calculation will handle the linear term present for magnetic structures with a net magnetization. Options are: 'exact'; slope will be calculated from the values of MagStructure.rho0 and MagStructure.netMag, damping set by MagStructure.corrLength. 'autoslope': slope will be determined by least-squares minimization of the calculated mPDF, thereby ensuring that the mPDF oscillates around zero, as it is supposed to. Damping set by MagStructure.corrLength. 'fullauto': slope and damping set by least-squares minimization. This should only be used in the case of an anisotropic correlation length. Note that any other option will be converted to 'exact'.

Returns: numpy array giving the r grid of the calculation, as well as one or both of the mPDF quantities.

Expand source code
def calc(self, normalized=True, both=False, correlationMethod='simple',
    """Calculate the magnetic PDF.

        normalized (boolean): indicates whether or not the normalized mPDF
            should be returned.
        both (boolean): indicates whether or not both normalized and
            unnormalized mPDF quantities should be returned.
        correlationMethod (string): determines how the calculation should
            be done if the correlation length is finite. Options are:
            'simple'; exponential envelope is applied to the mPDF
            'full'; actual spin magnitudes are adjusted according to the
                    correlation length; more accurate (especially for very
                    short correlation lengths) but slower (especially if
                    rmax is beyond ~30 A)
            'auto'; simple method is chosen if xi <= 5 A, full otherwise
            Note that any other option will be converted to 'simple'
        linearTermMethod (string): determines how the calculation will
            handle the linear term present for magnetic structures with a net
            magnetization. Options are:
            'exact'; slope will be calculated from the values of
                MagStructure.rho0 and MagStructure.netMag, damping set by
            'autoslope': slope will be determined by least-squares
                minimization of the calculated mPDF, thereby ensuring that
                the mPDF oscillates around zero, as it is supposed to.
                Damping set by MagStructure.corrLength.
            'fullauto': slope and damping set by least-squares minimization.
                This should only be used in the case of an anisotropic
                correlation length.
            Note that any other option will be converted to 'exact'.
    Returns: numpy array giving the r grid of the calculation, as well as
        one or both of the mPDF quantities.
    peakWidth = np.sqrt(self.magstruc.Uiso)
    if correlationMethod not in ['simple', 'full', 'auto']:
        correlationMethod = 'simple'  # convert non-standard inputs to simple
    if linearTermMethod not in ['exact', 'autoslope', 'fullauto']:
        linearTermMethod = 'exact'  # convert non-standard inputs to simple
    dampingMat = self.magstruc.dampingMat
    xi = self.magstruc.corrLength
    if correlationMethod == 'auto':  # convert to full or simple
        if xi <= 5.0:
            correlationMethod = 'full'
            correlationMethod = 'simple'

    if type(dampingMat) == np.ndarray and correlationMethod != 'full':
        print("Warning: correlationMethod should be set to 'full' when using")
        print("the damping matrix instead of a scalar correlation length.")
    if type(dampingMat) != np.ndarray and linearTermMethod == 'fullauto':
        print("Warning: 'fullauto' should only be used with an anisotropic")
        print("correlation length as encoded in the damping matrix.")
    if (xi==0) and (type(dampingMat) != np.ndarray):
        calcIdxs = self.magstruc.calcIdxs
        rcalc, frcalc = calculatemPDF(self.magstruc.atoms, self.magstruc.spins,
                                      self.magstruc.gfactors, calcIdxs,
                                      self.rstep, self.rmin, self.rmax,
                                      peakWidth, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                      self.qdamp, self.extendedrmin,
                                      self.extendedrmax, self.ordScale,
                                      self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.rho0,
                                      self.magstruc.netMag, xi,
                                      linearTermMethod, False, self.qwindow,
    elif correlationMethod == 'full':  # change magnitudes of the spins
        originalSpins = 1.0*self.magstruc.spins
        for i, currentIdx in enumerate(self.magstruc.calcIdxs):
            self.magstruc.spins = self.magstruc.generateScaledSpins(currentIdx)
            rcalc, frtemp = calculatemPDF(self.magstruc.atoms, self.magstruc.spins,
                                          self.magstruc.gfactors, [currentIdx],
                                          self.rstep, self.rmin, self.rmax,
                                          peakWidth, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                          self.qdamp, self.extendedrmin,
                                          self.extendedrmax, self.ordScale,
                                          self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.rho0,
                                          self.magstruc.netMag, xi,
                                          linearTermMethod, False, self.qwindow,
            if i==0:
                frcalc = 1.0*frtemp
                frcalc += frtemp
            self.magstruc.spins = 1.0*originalSpins
        frcalc /= len(self.magstruc.calcIdxs)
    else:  # simple method: apply exponential envelope
        calcIdxs = self.magstruc.calcIdxs
        rcalc, frcalc = calculatemPDF(self.magstruc.atoms, self.magstruc.spins,
                                      self.magstruc.gfactors, calcIdxs,
                                      self.rstep, self.rmin, self.rmax,
                                      peakWidth, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                                      self.qdamp, self.extendedrmin,
                                      self.extendedrmax, self.ordScale,
                                      self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.rho0,
                                      self.magstruc.netMag, xi,
                                      linearTermMethod, True, self.qwindow,
    # create a mask to put the calculation on the desired grid
    mask = np.logical_and(rcalc > self.rmin - 0.5*self.rstep,
                          rcalc < self.rmax + 0.5*self.rstep)
    if normalized and not both:
        return rcalc[mask], frcalc[mask]
    elif not normalized and not both:
        Drcalc = calculateDr(rcalc, frcalc, self.magstruc.ffqgrid,
                             self.magstruc.ff, self.paraScale, self.rmintr,
                             self.rmaxtr, self.rstep, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                             self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.K2)
        return rcalc[mask], Drcalc[mask]
        Drcalc = calculateDr(rcalc, frcalc, self.magstruc.ffqgrid,
                             self.magstruc.ff, self.paraScale, self.rmintr,
                             self.rmaxtr, self.rstep, self.qmin, self.qmax,
                             self.magstruc.K1, self.magstruc.K2)
        return rcalc[mask], frcalc[mask], Drcalc[mask]
def copy(self)

Return a deep copy of the MPDFcalculator object.

Expand source code
def copy(self):
    """Return a deep copy of the MPDFcalculator object."""
    return copy.deepcopy(self)
def plot(self, normalized=True, both=False, scaled=True, correlationMethod='simple', linearTermMethod='exact')

Plot the magnetic PDF.


normalized : boolean
indicates whether or not the normalized mPDF should be plotted.
both : boolean
indicates whether or not both normalized and unnormalized mPDF quantities should be plotted.
correlationMethod : string
determines how the calculation should be done if the correlation length is finite. Options are: 'simple'; exponential envelope is applied to the mPDF 'full'; actual spin magnitudes are adjusted according to the correlation length; more accurate (especially for very short correlation lengths) but slower (especially if rmax is beyond ~30 A) 'auto'; simple method is chosen if xi <= 5 A, full otherwise Note that any other option will be converted to 'simple'
linearTermMethod : string
determines how the calculation will handle the linear term present for magnetic structures with a net magnetization. Options are: 'exact'; slope will be calculated from the values of MagStructure.rho0 and MagStructure.netMag, damping set by MagStructure.corrLength. 'autoslope': slope will be determined by least-squares minimization of the calculated mPDF, thereby ensuring that the mPDF oscillates around zero, as it is supposed to. Damping set by MagStructure.corrLength. 'fullauto': slope and damping set by least-squares minimization. This should only be used in the case of an anisotropic correlation length. Note that any other option will be converted to 'exact'.
Expand source code
def plot(self, normalized=True, both=False, scaled=True,
         correlationMethod='simple', linearTermMethod='exact'):
    """Plot the magnetic PDF.

        normalized (boolean): indicates whether or not the normalized mPDF
            should be plotted.
        both (boolean): indicates whether or not both normalized and
            unnormalized mPDF quantities should be plotted.
        correlationMethod (string): determines how the calculation should
            be done if the correlation length is finite. Options are:
            'simple'; exponential envelope is applied to the mPDF
            'full'; actual spin magnitudes are adjusted according to the
                    correlation length; more accurate (especially for very
                    short correlation lengths) but slower (especially if
                    rmax is beyond ~30 A)
            'auto'; simple method is chosen if xi <= 5 A, full otherwise
            Note that any other option will be converted to 'simple'
        linearTermMethod (string): determines how the calculation will
            handle the linear term present for magnetic structures with a net
            magnetization. Options are:
            'exact'; slope will be calculated from the values of
                MagStructure.rho0 and MagStructure.netMag, damping set by
            'autoslope': slope will be determined by least-squares
                minimization of the calculated mPDF, thereby ensuring that
                the mPDF oscillates around zero, as it is supposed to.
                Damping set by MagStructure.corrLength.
            'fullauto': slope and damping set by least-squares minimization.
                This should only be used in the case of an anisotropic
                correlation length.
            Note that any other option will be converted to 'exact'.
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.set_xlabel(r'r ($\mathdefault{\AA}$)')
    ax.set_xlim(xmin=self.rmin, xmax=self.rmax)
    if normalized and not both:
        rcalc, frcalc = self.calc(normalized, both, correlationMethod, linearTermMethod)
        ax.plot(rcalc, frcalc) 
        ax.set_ylabel(r'f ($\mathdefault{\AA^{-2}}$)')
    elif not normalized and not both:
        rcalc, Drcalc = self.calc(normalized, both, correlationMethod, linearTermMethod)
        ax.plot(rcalc, Drcalc)
        ax.set_ylabel(r'd ($\mathdefault{\AA^{-2}}$)')
        rcalc, frcalc, Drcalc = self.calc(normalized, both, correlationMethod, linearTermMethod)
        if scaled:
            frscl = np.max(np.abs(frcalc))
            drscl = np.max(np.abs(Drcalc[rcalc>1.5]))
            scl = frscl / drscl
            scl = 1.0
        ax.plot(rcalc, frcalc, 'b-', label='f(r)')
        ax.plot(rcalc, scl * Drcalc, 'r-', label='d(r)')
        ax.set_ylabel(r'f, d ($\mathdefault{\AA^{-2}}$)')
def rgrid(self)

Return the current r grid of the mPDF calculator.

Expand source code
def rgrid(self):
    """Return the current r grid of the mPDF calculator."""
    r = np.arange(0,self.rmax+10,self.rstep)        
    mask = np.logical_and(r > self.rmin - 0.5*self.rstep,
                          r < self.rmax + 0.5*self.rstep)
    return r[mask]
def runChecks(self)

Run some quick checks to help with troubleshooting.

Expand source code
def runChecks(self):
    """Run some quick checks to help with troubleshooting.
    print('Running checks on MPDFcalculator...\n')

    flagCount = 0
    flag = False

    ### check if number of spins and atoms do not match
    if self.magstruc.atoms.shape[0] != self.magstruc.spins.shape[0]:
        flag = True
    if flag:
        flagCount += 1
        print('Number of atoms and spins do not match; try calling')
        print('makeAtoms() and makeSpins() again on your MagStructure.\n')
    flag = False

    ### check for nan values in spin array
    if np.any(np.isnan(self.magstruc.spins)):
        flag = True
    if flag:
        flagCount += 1
        print('Spin array contains nan values ("not a number").\n')
    flag = False

    ### check if rmax is too big for rmaxAtoms in structure
    for key in self.magstruc.species:
        if self.magstruc.species[key].rmaxAtoms < self.rmax:
            flag = True
    if flag:
        flagCount += 1
        print('Warning: the atoms in your MagStructure may not fill a')
        print('volume large enough for the desired rmax for the mPDF')
        print('calculation. Adjust rmax and/or rmaxAtoms in the')
        print('MagSpecies or MagStructure objects.\n')
    flag = False

    ### check for unphysical parameters like negative scale factors
    if np.min((self.paraScale, self.ordScale)) < 0:
        flag = True
    if flag:
        flagCount += 1
        print('Warning: you have a negative scale factor.')
        print(('Paramagnetic scale = ', self.paraScale))
        print(('Ordered scale = ', self.ordScale))
    flag = False

    if flagCount == 0:
        print('All checks passed. No obvious problems found.\n')